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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 21:37



热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:07

1、询问去某地的交通方式,用where提问。Get to表示"要去哪里"后面是副词时,不需加to,如:到家get home
2、In china,it depends on where you are?在中国,这决定于你身在何处?
Depend on 意思是“决定于,依靠”如:孩子依靠父母 Children depend on their parents.
3、That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus to school.那应该比坐巴士去上学有趣多了。
Must be 意思是“应该”在这里表示推测,只用于肯定句,否定句用can't 如:It must be delicious.变为否定句为 It can't be delicious.
4、In North America,not all students take the bus to school.在北美,不是所有的学生都坐巴士去上学。这是一个否定句,一般来说,not 用于代词all,many,much,every,both等词的前面,均属于部分否定。如:Not all of us are good at dancing.我们并不是个个都擅长跳舞。并不是每个男孩都喜欢踢足球。Not all boys like playing football.
1、How many minutes are there in an hour?
2、Fifty and fifty is one hundred.
3、It cost(花费)me twenty-five minutes to get to school every day.
4、My home is next to school.So I walk to school.
5、He gets up early,so he is never late for school.
6、Tom's mother always baths(淋浴)after supper.
7、Bicycle is another way of saying bike.
8、It's about three kilometres(公里)from my home to school.
9、There are two train stations(站)in the big city.
10、My school is about two miles(英里)from the train station.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:07

1、询问去某地的交通方式,用where提问。Get to表示"要去哪里"后面是副词时,不需加to,如:到家get home
2、In china,it depends on where you are?在中国,这决定于你身在何处?
Depend on 意思是“决定于,依靠”如:孩子依靠父母 Children depend on their parents.
3、That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus to school.那应该比坐巴士去上学有趣多了。
Must be 意思是“应该”在这里表示推测,只用于肯定句,否定句用can't 如:It must be delicious.变为否定句为 It can't be delicious.
4、In North America,not all students take the bus to school.在北美,不是所有的学生都坐巴士去上学。这是一个否定句,一般来说,not 用于代词all,many,much,every,both等词的前面,均属于部分否定。如:Not all of us are good at dancing.我们并不是个个都擅长跳舞。并不是每个男孩都喜欢踢足球。Not all boys like playing football.
1、How many minutes are there in an hour?
2、Fifty and fifty is one hundred.
3、It cost(花费)me twenty-five minutes to get to school every day.
4、My home is next to school.So I walk to school.
5、He gets up early,so he is never late for school.
6、Tom's mother always baths(淋浴)after supper.
7、Bicycle is another way of saying bike.
8、It's about three kilometres(公里)from my home to school.
9、There are two train stations(站)in the big city.
10、My school is about two miles(英里)from the train station.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:07

1、询问去某地的交通方式,用where提问。Get to表示去某地后面是副词时,不需_介词如:到家get home
2、In china,it depends on where you are?
Depend on 意思是依靠 如:孩子依靠父母 Children_depend on their parents.
3、That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus to school.
Must be 意思是一定 在这里表示推测,只用于肯定句,否定句用can't 如:It must be delicious.变为否定句为 It can't be delicious.
4、In North America,not all students take the bus to school.这是一个否定句,一般来说,not 用于代词all,many,much,every,both等词的前面,均属于部分否定。如:Not all of us are good at dancing._并不是每个男孩都喜欢踢足球。
1、How many minute are there in an hour?
2、Fifty and fifty is one hundred.
3、It cost(花费)me twenty-five minutes to get to school every day.
4、My home is next to school.So I walk to school.
5、He gets up early,so he is never late for school.
6、Tom's mother always showers(淋浴)after supper.
7、Bicycle is another way of saying bike.
8、It's about three kilometers(公里)from my home to school.
9、There are two train statuon(站)in the big city.
10、My school is about two miles(英里)from the train station.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:07

1、询问去某地的交通方式,用where提问。Get to表示去某地后面是副词时,不需_介词如:到家get home
2、In china,it depends on where you are?
Depend on 意思是依靠 如:孩子依靠父母 Children_depend on their parents.
3、That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus to school.
Must be 意思是一定 在这里表示推测,只用于肯定句,否定句用can't 如:It must be delicious.变为否定句为 It can't be delicious.
4、In North America,not all students take the bus to school.这是一个否定句,一般来说,not 用于代词all,many,much,every,both等词的前面,均属于部分否定。如:Not all of us are good at dancing._并不是每个男孩都喜欢踢足球。
1、How many minute are there in an hour?
2、Fifty and fifty is one hundred.
3、It cost(花费)me twenty-five minutes to get to school every day.
4、My home is next to school.So I walk to school.
5、He gets up early,so he is never late for school.
6、Tom's mother always showers(淋浴)after supper.
7、Bicycle is another way of saying bike.
8、It's about three kilometers(公里)from my home to school.
9、There are two train statuon(站)in the big city.
10、My school is about two miles(英里)from the train station.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:08

1,how 到达 to get home 2,在中国,这取决与你在哪里。 取决与 depend on 3,那一定比乘公交车更有趣得多。 一定 can't 4,在北美,不是所有学生都乘公交车上学。 否定句 (后面两个空什么意思?) 1,minutes 2,hundred 3,costs 4,walk 5,early 6,showers 7,Bicycle 8,kilometers 9,stations 10,miles 初二的吧

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:08

1,how 到达 to get home 2,在中国,这取决与你在哪里。 取决与 depend on 3,那一定比乘公交车更有趣得多。 一定 can't 4,在北美,不是所有学生都乘公交车上学。 否定句 (后面两个空什么意思?) 1,minutes 2,hundred 3,costs 4,walk 5,early 6,showers 7,Bicycle 8,kilometers 9,stations 10,miles 初二的吧

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:09

1.where 到达 to get home
2.在中国 要看你在哪 依靠 depend on
3.一定比坐公交车去学校有趣多了 一定 can't be
4.在北美不是所有学生都坐公交去上学 部分否定 并不是我们所有人都擅长跳舞 NOT every boy likes playing football
1.minutes 2.hundred 3.takes 4.walks 5.early 6.baths 7.bicycle
8.kilomitres 9.stations 10.miles

热心网友 时间:2023-11-06 00:09

1.where 到达 to get home
2.在中国 要看你在哪 依靠 depend on
3.一定比坐公交车去学校有趣多了 一定 can't be
4.在北美不是所有学生都坐公交去上学 部分否定 并不是我们所有人都擅长跳舞 NOT every boy likes playing football
1.minutes 2.hundred 3.takes 4.walks 5.early 6.baths 7.bicycle
8.kilomitres 9.stations 10.miles
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