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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 21:09



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 16:38


1. The four-year-old boy is _________ awake, watching TV.
A. wide B. widely C. broad D. broadly
参*:D。因为awake是形容词,需要副词修饰。从词的含义上讲,broadly awake意思是“完全醒着的”。
2. Because of the cigarette burn in the carpet, he cannot get back his ________from the landlady.
A. damage deposit B. destruction deposit
C. ruin deposit D. damage down payment
参*:A。本题考的是词组的含义,damage deposit意即“损坏押金”。
3. Many buildings have __________ around the university.
A. jumped up B. sprung up C. raised D. leapt up
参*:B。考词组的含义,spring up(自发地)迅速上涨/冒出/钻出
4. Here is my ___________. Give me a call if you have any questions.
A. name card B. business card C. call card D. visit card
参*:A。name card和business card都可译为“名片”,但如果不是经商的,说“name card”更常见。
5. The University Residence Hall ___________ 339 students.
A. houses B. homes C. lives D. occupies
参*:A。词义,house vt. 给…提供场所/场地
6. I'm going to be five days late ___________ this month's rent.
A. on B. at C. in D. with
参*:D。搭配和词义be late with:晚交
7. The girls ________ this floor are so noisy.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
参*:B。介词搭配,on ... floor在…楼
8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned rather later than ______________.
A. what they had expected B. that they had expected
C. as they had expected D. they had expected
9. You must be fully aware that your roommates are going to have some faults and _____________.
A. you are so B. so are you C. too are you D. also are you
10. The University Residence Hall is __________ a place where students can eat and sleep; it is a living unit in the true sense of the term.
A. more than B. other than C. no more than D. greater than
参*:A。词义,more than不仅仅
11. You can get an apartment __________ just a little more money.
A. for B. on C. within D. in参*:A。get something for $ 50/ £30/ ¥200, etc.花…钱

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 16:38


1. The four-year-old boy is _________ awake, watching TV.
A. wide B. widely C. broad D. broadly
参*:D。因为awake是形容词,需要副词修饰。从词的含义上讲,broadly awake意思是“完全醒着的”。
2. Because of the cigarette burn in the carpet, he cannot get back his ________from the landlady.
A. damage deposit B. destruction deposit
C. ruin deposit D. damage down payment
参*:A。本题考的是词组的含义,damage deposit意即“损坏押金”。
3. Many buildings have __________ around the university.
A. jumped up B. sprung up C. raised D. leapt up
参*:B。考词组的含义,spring up(自发地)迅速上涨/冒出/钻出
4. Here is my ___________. Give me a call if you have any questions.
A. name card B. business card C. call card D. visit card
参*:A。name card和business card都可译为“名片”,但如果不是经商的,说“name card”更常见。
5. The University Residence Hall ___________ 339 students.
A. houses B. homes C. lives D. occupies
参*:A。词义,house vt. 给…提供场所/场地
6. I'm going to be five days late ___________ this month's rent.
A. on B. at C. in D. with
参*:D。搭配和词义be late with:晚交
7. The girls ________ this floor are so noisy.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
参*:B。介词搭配,on ... floor在…楼
8. Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned rather later than ______________.
A. what they had expected B. that they had expected
C. as they had expected D. they had expected
9. You must be fully aware that your roommates are going to have some faults and _____________.
A. you are so B. so are you C. too are you D. also are you
10. The University Residence Hall is __________ a place where students can eat and sleep; it is a living unit in the true sense of the term.
A. more than B. other than C. no more than D. greater than
参*:A。词义,more than不仅仅
11. You can get an apartment __________ just a little more money.
A. for B. on C. within D. in参*:A。get something for $ 50/ £30/ ¥200, etc.花…钱

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 16:38

1. A
2. C保证金 押金
3. B 雨后春笋般的
4. B 名片 business card
5. c 容纳
6. a 房租晚几天
7. b on the floor 在场上的
8. b
9. b 你也是
10. a 不仅仅是
11. a
12. b

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 16:39

1A 2 A3B4 B 5 A 6 D7B 8D 9B10A11A12B

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 16:38

1. A
2. C保证金 押金
3. B 雨后春笋般的
4. B 名片 business card
5. c 容纳
6. a 房租晚几天
7. b on the floor 在场上的
8. b
9. b 你也是
10. a 不仅仅是
11. a
12. b

热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 16:39

1A 2 A3B4 B 5 A 6 D7B 8D 9B10A11A12B
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