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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 20:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 03:58

Distinguished leadership of the company:

Unfortunately the company can not continue to develop.

And the company signed a contract before I apply for the resignation of the company. In my resignation today, does not pay for treatment, not for the restraint system, which stood for more, it is for their own reasons for the problem to the indivial.

Time, such as water rushed away, gone. To the company's day than March. During this period of time, I went through several learning system, after two months of study and practice. Several months, whether at work or from people I have benefited greatly. However, as I am concerned, is not a unilateral choice of a job because of the need to exercise their own, but that is a platform I can play a strong, you can release my energy, I can appreciate their own value so that I can For the company to seek efficiency and increase profits. And for the first time in March, I did not seek benefits for the company to increase profits, not where to find its own value, it does not feel like there is much room for development.

Three months, I did not create much of the company's value. After careful analysis, I found that three months, I have to work and not suitable for the performance of its head. My character, strong, loving, professional and the company can not meet the needs and the nature of the work, I can not do my organization's work in the future and the future.

My ability to adapt to a very strong, has always been able to quickly enter the role, does not need too long to adapt to the process. But now, after three months, I can not find a good position, in which I had never taken place, but also their own surprise. I know their problems more, even given their own for some time, and there is not much potential for development, there is not much energy can be released, and no matter how high the level can go. Perhaps, I run hard, but if possible place to move around, I ran the only one of the round and round the circle, is not more broad straight road. This to go on, nothing but a waste of the company's culture. Ah life, it is difficult to have the opportunity to stay Yangbian smooth all the way through into the wind through the halls of the ideal, we need the courage to make bold choices.

I would like to thank the company for more than three months since our training, leadership and thank my colleagues for their help and care. Even Zhaxian of the blooming Epiphyllum have wantonly, even if the meteor is rapidly have too much of the combustion. Unfortunately, no, no complaints, is a perfect star. Although I have not been successful, but I had to. I have accepted the company's culture, which in my life are not memorable teeth. Accounting is a gorgeous and delicate stage in this arena are the most exquisite performances, most knew of the spectacle. I am self, as a result, deep flaws, can not jump out of the dance aesthetic. I will bear in mind the leadership of exhortations, and Zhen Zhao told me in the future leadership of the expectations of a better life with my deep love and feeling grateful for the unlimited leave the company this stage, and always will be a Thanksgiving heart, this memorable companies in three months I teach all.

Sincerely hope that the leadership can grant the request of my resignation!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 03:59


热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 03:59


热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 04:00


热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 04:00

词 目 风和日丽
发 音 fēnɡ hé rì lì
释 义 和风习习,阳光灿烂。形容晴朗暖和的天气。
出 处 清·吴趼人《痛史》:“是日风和日丽,众多*,都来祭奠。”
示 例 是时~,遍地金黄,青衫红袖,越阡度陌,蝶蜂乱飞,令人不饮自醉。(《浮生六记》卷二)
近义词 风柔日暖
反义词 风雨如晦、风雨交加
英 文 (of weather) fine and warm
用 法 联合式;作谓语、定语、分句;形容晴朗暖和的天气
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