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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 20:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 15:58

If I were a magician, then life will become more beautiful, always full of magical color. I want to become a large sum of money donated to Project Hope, to build a Hope primary school so that those mountains baby because of the poor do not have money to go to school It can be secure in the sitting cut new bright classroom lessons. When they go to school, I would often go to see them, and they carry out meaningful activities squad together, let them performances, singing, dancing, playing games Let them also like our city's children, can learn every day, he grew up to become a useful talent motherland, our motherland and make contributions.
Teenage friends with disabilities, although their bodies have a disability, but their heart is healthy, they are also eager and happy to learn that we like normal life. If I were a magician, I want to give people with disabilities around the world bring happiness. I want all blind people, conjure up pairs of bright eyes, so that they can take a look at this colorful world and see beautiful mountains and rivers of our country. I want to change out a pair of deaf touching the golden voice, to sing the party, Ode to the Motherland, singing our happy life today. I want all people maimed limbs fitted robust limbs, and as we enjoy the sport. All the pain I'm going to change people's shadowless without a trace, to become full human happiness.追问能有翻译吗,毕竟我英语不好,谢谢

热心网友 时间:2023-10-31 15:58

If I were a magician, then life will become more beautiful, always full of magical color. I want to become a large sum of money donated to Project Hope, to build a Hope primary school so that those mountains baby because of the poor do not have money to go to school It can be secure in the sitting cut new bright classroom lessons. When they go to school, I would often go to see them, and they carry out meaningful activities squad together, let them performances, singing, dancing, playing games Let them also like our city's children, can learn every day, he grew up to become a useful talent motherland, our motherland and make contributions.
Teenage friends with disabilities, although their bodies have a disability, but their heart is healthy, they are also eager and happy to learn that we like normal life. If I were a magician, I want to give people with disabilities around the world bring happiness. I want all blind people, conjure up pairs of bright eyes, so that they can take a look at this colorful world and see beautiful mountains and rivers of our country. I want to change out a pair of deaf touching the golden voice, to sing the party, Ode to the Motherland, singing our happy life today. I want all people maimed limbs fitted robust limbs, and as we enjoy the sport. All the pain I'm going to change people's shadowless without a trace, to become full human happiness.追问能有翻译吗,毕竟我英语不好,谢谢

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