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求“the people in my life” 的英文演讲稿

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-15 15:19



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 19:55

We have met so many people in our lives that it is very hard for us to say who the most impressive person is . I thought and thought, but could not decide. Suddently a figure came to my mind. I dared not to think about him for a long time, because I was sad each time I thought of him. He died of liver cancer in his early thirties.

Now I am sure the most impressive person in my life is my physics teacher in middle shool. It was he who totally influenced my school years. It was he who described a beautiful picture of the university life, and encouraged me to go to university. It was he who opened the magic door to the word of physics for me. I was totally surprised and attracted by his first class and loved physics immetly. I learned many interesting things and began to learn how to explain many familiar phenomina. For example, why should we add cold water to boil the mplings, and so on .

His classes were so interesting that I had to concentrade on them. I could digest most of the content, so I spent the rest of my time on studying other materials. I always went to school with problems; My teacher tried his best to explain them easily and clearly. My achievement in physics was always at the top my class. I was chosen to attend the physics contest which was held by the provience, and I got the first place award. My teacher was chosen by the best high school because of this.

One year later, I entered the best school at the same time my teacher became one of the best teachers there. He helped another student in high school get the award again. The news shocked the whole school.When I started my first year, my teacher was chosen to teach grade three. Although he could not teach me anymore, he helped me by lending his precious notebook to me. After I finished the four thick notebooks, I found how hard he had worked to improve himself and his teaching skills. In one notebook , I read a sentence he wrote to himself : “ delibrate in counsel, prompt in action.” I told myself I should act like this too.

With his help I passed my high school happily, and realized my dream by entering a university. We kept in touch by letters. Two years later, he died of liver cancer. When I got the bad news I cried because I lost my best friend.

Now, I could say I was lucky and thankful to have met a person who guided and encouraged me in my early life. I hope I could become a light in other people’s mind too, and can help and encourage more people in my life.
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