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development strategy(请帮忙翻译)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 17:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 03:50

Yuyao City airwaves Machinery Ltd. strategic development of guiding principles : to do so is stable so long Mingwei base focuses on going. continue to motorcycles, motor and gasoline engine parts proction mainly directions : technological innovation to improve as the basis, Compression operators use; to upgrade equipment as a means to improve accuracy and processing procts, Equipment capable of guaranteeing the quality of procts. Proction base for high-tech park prominent theme of development, proction technologies with higher levels of the central air-conditioner parts, and other procts, from a higher starting point, Tree model, as engine for development

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 03:51

Remaining electric wave machine limited company in the 姚 City development strategy

The predominant thought of development:Do steady do to do to last long actually
The clear 伟 base is heavy Be guarding an instry, continue to take the motorcycle, car and the gasoline machine accessories proction as a main direction:With the craft reform improvement for rely on, compress operation personnel to use quantity;Change by equipments renewal on behalf means, raise proct accuracy and process level, use the assurance proct quality of the equipments ability.
The high and new park area proces the base outstanding development topic, procing a technique content a higher central air condition machine accessories etc. proct, high point of departure, tree sample proct, become developing engine.
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