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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 17:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 19:49

Employee Promotion Announcement

September 21, 2010

Please join me in welcoming Sarah Smith into the role of Regional Records Manager for the East Coast Region. Sarah brings to this new position, a strong background for the role, having spent approximately eight years in IT and knowledge management positions with Davis, Green, and Day prior to joining English International LP in January of 2001 as a Records Analyst in our Boston office. In addition to her role in Boston, Sarah spent nearly a year leading various records management work streams. Sarah has an undergraate degree in Business Administration and a Master's degree in Health Care Administration.

In her new role as Regional Records Manager, Sarah will be responsible for the management of both our hard copy and electronic records in all of our East Coast Region offices. She will be engaged in strategies to facilitate compliance with our records retention processes and policies, improve adoption of a new electronic records management system, and continuously enhance the services provided by our records teams. Our East Coast Records Analysts will report to Sarah in her new role. Sarah will also work closely with Operations Executives throughout the region to ensure effective execution of strategies and client service delivery.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Sarah in her new role. Sarah is currently based in the Boston office and can be reached at (617) 555-5555.
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