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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-11 11:10



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 02:59


Athens with history of building the city of more than 5000 years, abundant in the historic site.

Ancient Athens is a strong city state, it is the cultural ancient city renowned in the world, had created brilliant ancient civilization in history. Greece is the birthplace of philosophy, it is the giving lectures in the site of the place of Plato institute and Aristotle. Socrates, wish Luo DuoDe, Bury and Kelly, Sophocles, Aris ask fragrant, Europe shelter then, angstrom storehouse Rose and other famous philosopher, politician and writer born or live in Athens then, Athens is called the birthplaces of " cradle of western civilization " and democracy too. Exerted a great influence on Europe and world culture in culture and political achievement in the 5th century B.C. and the 4th century.

Athens has still kept a lot of historic sites and a large number of artistic works so far, a most famous one propose agricultural temple handkerchief of Acropolis of Athens among them, western symbol of culture.

Athens is the centres of Greece's national scientific research and culture, supreme scientific research institution Athens academy of sciences, famous Athens rich season such as card Staley inferior university, Athens state-run wheat arrange the Weng 's set up here then.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 03:00

More than 5,000 years the city has a history of Athens, rich in historical sites.
Ancient Athens is a great city, is well-known ancient city in the world of culture, history, has created a splendid ancient culture. Greece is the birthplace of philosophy, and Aristotle was Plato's Academy to teach the location of the place. Socrates, Herodotus, Pericles, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Euripides, Aeschylus and other well-known philosopher, statesman and writer born in Athens Or lived in Athens, also known as "the cradle of Western civilization" and the origin of democracy. 5th century BC and 4th century in the cultural and political achievements of Europe and have a significant impact on world culture.
Athens is still retain a lot of historical sites and a large number of works of art, of which the most famous is the Acropolis of the Parthenon is a symbol of Western culture.
Athens Greece is the country's scientific and cultural center of Athens Academy of Sciences, the highest scientific research institutions, well-known Athens kabo斯特利亚斯quarter of the University of Athens National Institute of Technology Mak Weng measures are located here.
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