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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 18:36



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 11:22

Nanchang, the capital of JiangxiProvince, is the center of Jiangxi’s politics,economy, and culture. It governs 4 counties (Nanchang County, Xinjian County,Jinxian County, and Anyi County), 5 districts (East Lake District, West LakeDistrict, Qingyunpu District, Wanli District, and Qingshan Lake District), 2national level development zones (Nanchang National High-tech InstrialDevelopment Zone and Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone), 2provincial level development zones (Jiangxi Sanghai Economic and TechnologicalDevelopment Zone and Nanchang Yingxiong Economic and Technological DevelopmentZone) and the Honggutan New District. It covers an area of 7,402 squarekilometers, 617 square kilometers of which is urban area and 220 square kilometersof which is built-area, with a total population of 4.85 million, about 1million of which is transient population and 2.25 million of which is urbanpermanent population. It is one of the 35 biggest cities in China.

(the aerial view of new Nanchang City)

  Nanchang, bordering the PoyangLake in the southwest, lies in themiddle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.It has been enjoying obvious advantages geographically. Since the ancienttimes, it has been known as the favorable place bordering Guangdongand Fujian in the south and Jiangsu,Zhejiang and Hubei in the north. It is the onlyprovincial capital city among the Yangtze River Delta, the Zhujiang RiverDelta, and the Southeast Fujian Delta, the most economically vigorousdevelopment areas in China.Besides, it is the intersection of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway and it is theonly provincial capital city on the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, connecting EastChina and West China, South China and North China.

(shooting by Shang Guan Fang, copyrightbybelongs to author and Women Association)

  Nanchang is a famous historical and culturalcity with a history of over 2200 years. It has been enjoying the honor of “agiven land abundant in natural resources and outstanding in procing talentedfigures(物华天宝,人杰地灵)”. Moreover, Nanchang is a heroic citywith glorious revolutionary tradition. The People’s Liberation Army was bornhere and “the August 1st Spirit” appeared here. In addition, Nanchangis a scenic and environment-friendly city with beautiful mountains, rivers andlakes. The Gan River passes through thecity from south to north and the whole city is dotted with rivers and lakes. Atthe outskirts of the city you can see green mountains.

(shooting by Zhang Fan, copyright bybelongs toauthor and Women Association)

Moreover, Nanchang, an open and developing modern city, under the guidance ofthe city development spirit: “Opening Wider to the Outside World and Going AllOut for Prosperity Honestly”, is becoming famous in China and in the world aswell with a rising momentum. Nanchang has been awarded the glorious titles: “One of the WorldTop 10 Dynamic Cities”, “A National Hygienic City”, “One of the Best Places forLiving in China”, “One ofthe China’sFamous Cities Recommended to the World”, and “One of the Charming Cities withChinese Characteristics” since last year. Nanchang has become one of the best placesin Chinafor living and a new and modern city for pioneering. “The city is forits citizens and its citizens take their city as their home” has become theorder of the day.

(shooting by Shang Guan Fang, copyrightbybelongs to author and Women Association)

  Since thereform and opening up, especially the entrance into the new century, NanchangCity, under the correct and wise leadership of the CPC Central Committee, theState Council, the CPC Jiangxi Provincial Committee and Jiangxi ProvincialPeople’s Government, has been working around the target of rising rapidly, makingthe city strong and the people rich, sticking to Deng Xiaoping’s theory, “theThree Represents” and the scientific concept of development. The city hasestablished the idea of “Well Planning, Carrying Out the Plan Carefully, andWorking Efficiently”, paying attention to the reality that Nanchang belongs tothe under-developed provincial city in Mid-China, realizing the unity of rapiddevelopment, scientific development, and harmonious development, greatlyimplementing the main strategy of opening wider to the outside world and thecore strategy of creating an important advanced manufacturing base, andbuilding Nanchang into a modern regional economic center and a civilized,garden-like, and heroic city. The development of instrialization, urbanization,internationalization, market orientation and information has been acceleratedand the scientific development route with Nanchang’scharacteristics of “starting late but with high starting point, good momentumand strong staying power” has been found. The satisfactory situation thateconomy is developing well and rapidly, the city is changing constantly, allsocial undertakings are advancing, and the people are living a happier andhealthier life has been created.

(shooting by Wan Su Ping, copyrightbybelongs to author and Women Association)

  The 17thNational Congress of the CPC started the new round development of our country,launching the campaign of building a better-off society. With the motive forceof learning and carrying out the spirit of the 17th National Congress of theCPC, sticking to Deng Xiaoping’s theory and the thought of “the ThreeRepresents”, implementing the scientific concept of development, Nanchang City will focus on the construction of aharmonious society. Taking the historical opportunity of the new rounddevelopment, especially of organizing the 7th National City Sports Games in2011, Nanchang City will greatly develop the city spirit: “Opening Wider to theOutside World and Going All Out for Prosperity Honestly”, grasp firmly the mainwork principle: “Pioneering Enriches the People and Innovation Empowers theCity”, and further carry out the main strategy of opening wider to the outsideworld and the core strategy of creating an important advanced manufacturingbase. Besides, Nanchang City will push forwardthe construction of the CPC, the new and great project, improve materialcivilization, political civilization, spiritual civilization, socialcivilization and ecological civilization, and better the cadres’ understanding,implementation, operation and service. NanchangCity will keep the sound momentum ofgood and rapid economic and social development and build Nanchang into an important advancedmanufacturing base of Mid-China and a regional center of business, logistics,and finance and into an open, vigorous, harmonious, civilized, pioneering,heroic, environment-friendly and garden-like city. The rise and new leapforward of Nanchangwill be realized by unremitting efforts at the new starting point!
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