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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 03:29



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:35

my past,now and future
The memory of my past always makes me feel sad,because I was not good at wrting in English before.When I had a writing homework ,I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not get good grades in English.
Now,I have changed,I love writing in English and I got a full match in a writing exam last week.My all seccessing is because of my English teasher XXX.She(He)tauch me how to writing well and told me the interests of English.I practiced it everyday though I felt a little tired sometimes.I'm very happy for my progress.
In the future,I think I'll be an English teacher,I know the difficulty of writing in English,so I believe I'll be able to teach students well,and I'll make them love English just like what XXX teacher did for me.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 07:35

five years ago ,i'm nine years old .i played tabble tennis everyday ,i thought it's very interesting .and today,i'm older than before .i play basketball now .and i have a pet dog.in five years .i'm a university student.i will play tennis with my best friend xxx .maybe,i will have a boyfriend(或者是girlfriend).in five years,i will be better now.but if i have to work hard,i'll be for the five year's dream to study hard.

五年,说长很长,说短很短。五年,每个人都会踏上不同的道路。五年前的我,是一个淘气的孩子;是一个让父母操心的孩子;是一个因为一点小事就斤斤计较的孩子;是一个不知时间宝贵的孩子……五年后的我要上一所重点大学,成为父母口中那个“别人家的孩子”。At that time, I would enter a key...


I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not get good grades in English.


Five years ago, I was a very different person than I am today. Back then, I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and was struggling to find my place in the world. I was much more uncertain and hesitant about taking risks, and I often let my...


Five years ago,my life was pretty different from the one now I have.There was time when I was just a student in primary school.I hardly had to worry about much.At that time,I had not much homework,I always had much time to play with my friends.I was always happy everyd...


Five years ago,my life was pretty different from the one now I have.There was time when I was just a student in primary school.I hardly had to worry about much.At that time,I had not much homework,I always had much time to play with my friends.I was always happy every...


I was in sixth grade this year, my mother said I changed. I used naughty, do not love learning. Now, I'm civilized and sensible, hard to learn. My body also grow taller and stronger than before. Character, cheerful, and pay a lot of friends.


my past,now and future The memory of my past always makes me feel sad,because I was not good at wrting in English before.When I had a writing homework ,I always became nervous and my mind was blank all.I had to ask friends on the wed for helping.Of course,I could not...


five years ago ,i'm nine years old .i played tabble tennis everyday ,i thought it's very interesting .and today,i'm older than before .i play basketball now .and i have a pet dog.in five years .i'm a university student.i will play tennis with my best friend xxx ....


I.m very happy 我的名字是玛丽,现在我很外向,但我以前相当的内向,所以我没有多少好朋友,有时我会感到很孤独。我曾有长头发,我喜欢打足球。时间流逝,我喜欢游泳和弹钢琴,让我认为,漂亮高兴的是。我重我朋友以及身边的人以及老师的帮助,让我变得很开朗,外向,对此,我自己也很高兴。

...的英语作文。 补充:5年前我是一个小学生。现在我是一个中学生,以后...

devote to my country. i love she very much.i remembered that my history teacher said we should do everything which we can do for our country,china.i love my country,and i love my family 大小写什么的自己弄吧,打字太累了 ...

五年前的我和现在的我英语作文 五年前的我和现在的我说说 两年前和现在的你英语作文 五年前五年后英语作文 五年前的我作文400字 五年前的自己英语作文 现在的我英语怎么说 英语作文我的学校80词 我的家乡英语作文
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