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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-21 04:27



热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 07:38

1. although I like you, but I will not do any matter for you, because I knew that will not strive for the repayment the love, will not call the love, will call to violate inexpensively.
2. loves a person, suspends the love with her at there, is in itself one kind of happiness, I am not cruel enough the destruction, I cannot destroy. Therefore, I want you to forgive me not to alarm your happiness, I cannot alarm.
3. more is US, dies then jumps over obviously drearily. Turns yellow thanks, is similar to the scrap paper dry. On first cannot delay. on the spacious remote big street, she passes through a red candle, starts to run. On the body opens wide the coat faces nearby two to raise high. This kind lonely runs the way to look like a bird very much. the
4. who sobers compared to who, therefore. Who is more brutal than who. if
5. is for merely the result, then we may directly arrive at the death from the birth. even if
6. leaves. Must worry about each other's good. Thought at times. This is leaves itself in the turbulent in society, bunch of small warm flame. Feels emotion has righteousness. The heart has accepts as a memento. the
7. heart, must bear lives bleakly.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 07:38

1. I can not be that you do any thing although I am fond of you,because of I know not seeking the love bringing back a report , not being shouted by love, criminal cheap.

2. Love one people , love and her is laid bare in there, self destroys being one kind of happiness , I cannot bear to, I can destroy neither. Therefore, I ask you to excuse me for not agitating your happiness, I can alarm neither.

3. Beautiful , dead be appear dismal just increasingly. Yellowing stuntedness , wastepaper similar to. Can not be procrastinated on 1st. On big spacious remote roads, she passes through a red lantern , begins to run. On one's body open overcoat both sides in the early morning is high elevate. This lonely running way resembles a bird very much.

4. Whom who is soberer than, therefore. Whom who is crueler than.

5. If being for final only, we can go to death directly from birth so.

6. Leave even. Also need to be concerned about each other regards. Miss from time to time. This even if leave for self is in the turbulence world's, one bunches of little warm flame. Having affection and faith. The heart has as a memento.

7. The heart , need to be able to bear such that living is desolate.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 07:39

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