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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 19:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 10:11

楼主 汉堡包做法(英文版) Cheeseburger Heat oven to 400 degrees and grease a 10 inch pie pan. Cook hamburger with onion, drain grease. Add salt and pepper, spread in pie plate. Melt margarine, mix with flour, milk, and eggs (make sure mixture is smooth). Pour onto hamburger in pie pan. Bake 25 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven, top with sliced tomatoes, sprinkle with cheese. Bake another five to eight minutes, until cheese is melted. Cool five minutes before eating. Variations: shred carrot and/or zucchini and add to batter. Eliminate hamburger, use beans instead, or in addition to hamburger. 忠言:不要多吃哦,会发胖的^.^

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 10:11

A hamburger (or simply a burger) is a sandwich that consists of a cooked patty made of ground meat and is generally served with various garnish or condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, onion, relish, pickles, and cheese toppings, placed inside a sliced hamburger bun, often baked specially for this purpose, or pieces of bread, toast. The meat patty is beef, unless otherwise noted.[1]

楼主 汉堡包做法(英文版) Cheeseburger Heat oven to 400 degrees and grease a 10 inch pie pan. Cook hamburger with onion, drain grease. Add salt and pepper, spread in pie plate. Melt margarine, mix with flour, milk, and eggs (make sure mixture is smooth). Pour onto hamburger...


Hamburger is the main food in the modern western fast food. In addition to the traditional beef cake, the second layer of the is soy sauce, and then the vegetables and other food can be the hamburger, so the mainnon-staple food can be eaten at the same time.汉堡是现代西式...


回答:汉堡包(Hamburgsteak),原是德国汉堡的一种油炸牛肉饼,19世纪末由德国传入美国, 1932年有人将这种油炸牛肉饼夹入表面撒有芝麻的小圆面包中作为主食或点心食用,所以得名汉堡包,意为有汉堡牛肉饼的面包。


The hamburger, renowned as one of the world's five major fast foods, has an interesting history. The original form of the hamburger consisted of minced beef mixed with breadcrumbs and formed into a patty. This concept can be traced back to the ancient practice of the Tatar people...


1. 汉堡包,英文名为Hamburger,其名称源自德国汉堡市。2. 在英语中,Hamburger既可以指汉堡包,也可以指包内的牛肉饼。3. 汉堡排是汉语中对汉堡包中牛肉饼的称呼,而汉堡包则特指带有汉堡排的三明治。4. 19世纪中叶,汉堡作为德国重要的港口城市,其居民的牛肉饼食用习惯可能随着德国移民传播至美洲。...




汉堡包,这一流行于全球的美食,其名字源自德国的汉堡市。在英语中,"Hamburger" 既指代汉堡包,也指包内的牛肉饼。汉堡包的起源可追溯到19世纪中叶的德国汉堡,当时的人们喜欢将牛排捣碎成特定的形状。这种吃法随着德国移民的脚步传播到了美洲。到了1836年,一道名为“汉堡牛排”(Hamburg steak)的菜肴...


many years ago people eat bread ,meat ,vagetables,one day a european make it diffrent! he placed vagetables and meat between two breads .then ,the spicial way of eating quickly spreaded .someone come from hamburger very like it .he bring it to Amrican and call it hamburger....




Rundfunk和出版社如Gruner + Jahr和Spiegel-Verlag等构成了强大的媒体产业。总计超过12万家企业在这里蓬勃发展。汉堡作为旅游热点,吸引了国内外游客的目光,2007年接待了约740万的过夜游客。总之,汉堡不仅是德国北部的经济重镇,也是文化、媒体和旅游的集散地,拥有丰富的历史和现代活力。

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