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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-11 01:40



热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 04:43


1、My favorite book is The Mortal Instruments.The author of this book brings me into a vivid world of fantasy and the plot is unique.


2、When I was young,I stole money from my parent's wallet and got caught.It taught me integrity and to be filial to my parents.


3、My parents signed me up for art lessons when I was younger.I enjoyed it as the teacher was creative and enthusiastic to teach young children.I am thankful that my parents sent me for art lessons when I was young because it enhances my creativity and it helps me when I am doing my art homework now.


4、An unforgettable moment in my life was when I graated from university.My parents were so proud of me that they cried.I felt overwhelmed with gratefulness for them.


5、I prefer to visit a small town because I like quiet and simple places.I live in a city so I would like to choose a place with very little noise.


6、I prefer to travel with a group of friends as joy is meant to be shared.When I need help in a foreign country,I have my friends to help so I do not have to be afraid.


7、I think foreigners would like to visit Shanghai the most because it is a developed city with renowned buildings.


8、I would make a documentary of sloths because they are special.They are lazy and move very slowly,different from other usual animals.


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1、My favorite book is The Mortal Instruments.The author of this book brings me into a vivid world of fantasy and the plot is unique.译文:我最喜欢的书是《凡人的乐器》。这本书的作者把我带入了一个生动的幻想世界,故事情节独特。2、When I was young,I stole money from my paren...


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progress in painting.我知道要想成为一名画家,要付出很多。所以从现在起,我要下定决心,努力学习,这样在画上才能有进步。I think: as long as I work hard, I will be able to draw well, and my dream will come true.我想:只要肯下功夫,就一定能把画画好,我的梦想就一定会实现。


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