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发布网友 发布时间:2023-09-19 02:47



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 03:30

During the leasehold, either conditions as Party A requiring to resume the apartment or Party B demanding to terminate renting ahead of schele shall inform the other party involved 60 days in advance and pay off the dedits as 100% of the monthly rent to the other party. Then Party A shall return relevant renting to the tenant as Party B.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 03:30


热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 03:31

The lease term, the party in advance of housing recovery, advance surrender of tenancy or party b, 60 days in advance should be notified, and 100% to pay damages to the other side of the monthly rent; party a should also return the corresponding rentals.
中文翻译英文 房屋租赁协议

Party A agreed to lease a B X room, period of X years X months since the X to X years X months X days, monthly rent X yuan (currency name capitalized)Two ways to pay rent:(1) lump-sum payment: Total X yuan (currency name capitalized)(2) installments, to pay once eve...


英语翻译 house-leasing contract 房屋租赁合同 Lease contract


Address: Telephone:The lessee (B): ID number:Address: Telephone:On the basis of the relevant national, provincial and municipal laws and regulations, the two sides agreed on by consensus B made the lease contract terms are as follows:First, the owner will have the right to dispos...


Lessor:Contact Address: Xi'an XX District XX Road XX District XX Garden Building XX, No. X Accounts: (personal account) Li Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank Branch XX ID: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Tel: XXXXXXX Lessee: XXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd.Living person: Chen Xiao Contact Address:...


Hi, I am the landlord's daughter. I am infroming you the basic rule of renting this house- Please keep the room clean and organised. And, here is the receipt of loan for this month: water bill x RMB, electric bill x RMB, rent x RMB (water costed x rmb per tonne, ...

有翻译达人帮我翻下这一段么? 关于房产租赁合同的,英译汉



5.1 第3.3条所指的房东的维修义务不应当理解为房东有义务从事以下活动:(a).承租人因租用房产而应负责的维修;(b).因火灾、洪水或其他不可抗力造成的破坏或损坏,房东无义务重建房房产或恢复原状;(c).对于承租人有权从房屋中取走的任何物品,房东无义务提供修理或维护。手工创作,欢迎借鉴。

急 帮我翻译一下这篇文章

the second party do not sublet or sublet the house. If violates, then regards as the second party gives up the house right of use automatically, this contract is subletting or sublets the date to convey eliminates, honors an agreement the gold not to give returns, from this cre...


租赁房产 leasehold premises 套内净得面积 net room area 违约金 penalty 写字楼租赁合同Lease contract in office building 甲方,乙方Party A ,Party B 出租方,承租方lessor, lessee 向军北里甲 22号 No.22A xiangjun north Lane 登记面积 registration area 建筑面积 building area 书面签收 Written ...

请帮忙在房屋租赁合同中的WARM SHELL如何翻译,谢谢,急

ducts, electrical distribution and fire fighting, electricity provisions on each floor up to the shaft,100% power back up including power back up for air conditioning system and backup air conditioning provision for the office area up to Air Handling Unit (AHU)on each floor....

幼升小房屋租赁合同 个人房屋租赁合同完整 正规房屋租赁合同范本 个人房屋租赁合同简单 房屋租赁合同编号 房屋租赁合同电子版 房屋租赁合同范本简单 房租租赁合同范本 房屋租赁合同法律规定
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