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排线器 英语怎么说

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 17:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 21:40

Traversing Drive
排线器词汇-资料收集汇总-感谢整理者WEST BANK
标签:综合类英语词汇 学习笔记

A Chinese-English Terminology of the Traversing Drive
(内部)轴承座中心之间的光轴长度。 length of shaft between the centres of the (inner) bearing blocks
V形减速凸轮 V-shaped slowdown cam
标准光轴: Standard shafts:
表面粗糙度: Surface roughness:
表面硬度: Surface hardness:
不停机回转光轴上运行的驱动器。 drive operating on the rotating shaft without standstill
不圆度: Out-of-roundness:
材料卷绕速度 speed of the material to be wound
材料偏移范围 area of the material deflection
侧向推力 Side thrust
程序控制 Sequence control
齿形刻度盘 serrated scale
传动力矩 drive torque
从列线图确定寿命(小时) Determine the life from the nomogram (in hours)
粗糙度 roughness height rating
弹簧换向机构 spring-operated reversing mechanism.
电刷 Wipers
防腐蚀 corrosion protection
防锈防酸光轴: Rust- and acid-proof shafts:
防锈光轴: Rust-proof shafts:
分离支架 separate carriage
改变旋转方向 Changing direction of rotation
感应表面淬火surface-hardened by inction
感应淬火、研磨、抛光的钢轴。 inction-hardened, ground and finished steel shafts.
隔音 Noise dampening
光轴、导轨、轴承座和换向挡块 shaft, guide rails, bearing blocks and end stops
光轴材质 Shaft material
光轴速度 shaft speed
光轴下垂 shaft sag
光轴旋转 Shaft rotation
光轴直径 shaft diameter
滚动环动态能力 dynamic capacity of the rolling rings
滚动环径向载荷 radial load on the rolling rings
滚环驱动器产生的侧向推力 side thrust proced by the rolling ring drive
滚环驱动器在光轴自由移动用释放手柄 Release lever for free displacement of the rolling ring drive on the shaft
换向点加速度 acceleration at the reversal point
换向减速 Reversal slowdown.
换向减速滚动环驱动器 Rolling ring drives with reversal slowdown (feature V)
换向减速凸轮长度。 length of reversal slowdown cam
换向时间 reversal time
坚定螺钉 set screws
减速凸轮 slowdown cams
减速凸轮长度 Length of deceleration cam
节距设置 Pitch setting
锯齿形50级刻度盘 Serrated 50-step scale
卷绕线材张力 tension in the material to be wound
卷绕应用 Winding applications
卷筒盘接触来触发换向的移动键 Shifting linkage that makes contact with the spool flange to activate the reversal.
空转力矩 idling torque
控制手柄 control levers
连续调整节距用蜗轮驱动器 Worm gear drive for continuous adjustment of the pitch.
连续高速节距用坚定螺钉 Set screws for continuous adjustment of the pitch
联轴节连接。 Coupling connection
临界光轴速度 critical shaft speed
磨擦系数。 coefficient of friction
排线路径traversing path,
排线器行走方向张力 tension working against the direction of travel of the drive
排线速度的计算 Calculation of the traversing speed
配有光轴和轴承的滚环驱动器(ARG)。 Rolling ring drive (ARG), complete with shaft and bearings
前端倒角 Leading end chamfer
切换机构 Switching mechanism
切换机构弹簧 springs in the snap-action switching mechanism
驱动电动机 Drive motor
驱动力矩 Drive torque
驱动器排线宽度 traversing width of the drive
全部研磨、精加工 All ground and superfinished
确定换向时间 To determine reversal time
绕线筒卷筒直径 barrel diameter of the bobbin
绕线筒与光轴最佳速度比 Optimum ratio between the bobbin and the shaft speeds
市场可购买到的不含MoS2滚柱轴承油脂 commercially available MoS2-free roller bearing greases
释放手柄 release lever
双动气缸 double-acting pneumatic cylinder
双轴承座 Double bearing support
瞬时换向、刻度盘、释放手柄 MCR features
瞬时换向滚动环驱动器 Rolling ring drives with instantaneous reversal
所需侧向推力 side thrust required
所需传动功率 drive power required
所选排线器最大节距 maximum pitch of the drive selected
停机旋转光轴上运行的驱动器。 drive operating on the rotating shaft with standstill
通过排线器箱体侧壁安装的滚轮防止扭转应变。 rotection against torsional strain by rollers mounted on the side wall of the housing.
同心度偏差 Concentricity tolerance
维护保养 Maintenance
无光轴和轴承的滚环驱动器 Rolling ring drive without shaft and bearings
无扭短联接适配器 Adapter for torque-free coupling
无需最小排线宽度 No minimum traversing width required.
线材最大卷绕直径或最大节距。 maximum diameter of the material to be wound or maximum pitch
载荷与支架总重的法向力。 normal force of the total weight of the payload and the carriage
支撑托架 Support bracket
直径公差: Diametral tolerance:
重型导轨 Heavy-ty guide rail
轴承座切削力分力 component of the cutting force of a separator)
轴驱动 Shaft drive
专用清漆 Special varnish
自锁钮 Self-locking knob
最大节距 maximum pitch
最低要求: Minimum requirements:
最小换向距离: Minimum reversal distance:

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 21:40

Line arranging device


adjustment rod 调整杆

automatic reversal trigger(switch) 自动换向触发器(开关)


control knob 控制钮

drive housing 驱动器箱

eccentric socket 偏心套

electric motor 电动机

end (support) bracket 支板

end stop assembly 换向挡块总成

end stop ratchet lever 挡块棘轮柄

end switch 停止开关

free movement lever 释放手柄

guide rail 导轨

guide roller 导线轮

Instantaneous reversal 瞬时换向

level winding assembly均缠总成

limit ring 限位套

linear drive 直线驱动器,排线器

linear drive nut 直线驱动螺母

linear drive shaft 直线驱动器轴

linear speed (pitch) dial 刻度板,直线速度(节距)盘

mid-range 中开


pitch selection knob 节距选定手柄(钮)

pivotal point 枢轴点

plain shaft 光杆

positional sensor 定位传感器

release lever 释放手柄

reversal lever 换向手柄

reversal mechanism 换向机构,反向机构

reversal spring换向簧

rolling ring bearing 滚动环轴承

rolling ring drive滚动环驱动器;排线器

side thrust (侧)压(推)力

slide bar for engagement of endswitchs停止开关啮合滑杆

spring-actuated reversal mechanism 弹簧驱动换向机构

stablising roller 导向滚轮

steady bar 导轨

steady rollor 平衡轮

stop bridge 停止连接片

take-up reel 卷线盘,收线轮

thrust setting screw 压力调节螺钉

travel direction行走方向

traverse unit 排线器

traverse winding assembly 直线卷绕总成

traversing direction 排线方向,移动方向

worm driven pitch control蜗杆驱动节距控制

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 21:41

排线器: [ pái xiàn qì ]

1. strand oscillator


热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 21:41

Thread Distributor

排线器 Wiring device

排线器 英语怎么说

Traversing Drive 排线器词汇-资料收集汇总-感谢整理者WEST BANK 标签:综合类英语词汇 学习笔记 A Chinese-English Terminology of the Traversing Drive (内部)轴承座中心之间的光轴长度。 length of shaft between the centres of the (inner) bearing blocks V形减速凸轮 V-shaped slowdown cam ...

排线 用英语怎麼说

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