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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-26 20:12



热心网友 时间:2022-07-21 01:36

i am so happy to hear from you.

i expect to hear from you next time!
about your confusion, i might offer some suggestions for you.
what really matters is that you've got to trust yourself and be confident with yourself!
your friend Terry is always with you, blessing you forever! Good luck!


?pwd=kspk 提取码: kspk    

热心网友 时间:2022-07-21 02:54

i am so happy to hear from you.

i expect to hear from you next time!
about your confusion, i might offer some suggestions for you.
what really matters is that you've got to trust yourself and be confident with yourself!
your friend Terry is always with you, blessing you forever! Good luck!

热心网友 时间:2022-07-21 04:28

我叫 ,今年 岁。。。。。。

热心网友 时间:2022-07-21 06:20

How nice to hear from you again.
Let me tell you something about the activity.
I’m glad to have received your letter of Apr. 9th.
I’m pleased to hear that you’re coming to China for a visit.
I’m writing to thank you for your help ring my stay in America.
With best wishes.
I’m looking forward to your reply. I’d appreciate it if you could reply earlier.
Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.
All the teachers and students are required to attend it.
Please take your notebooks and make notes.
Please listen carefully and we’ll have a discussion in groups.
Please come on time and don’t be late
Please come and join in it. Everybody is welcome to attend it.
I hope you’ll have a nice time here.
That’s all. Thank you.
Please come and join in it. Everybody is welcome to attend it.
I hope you’ll have a nice time here.
That’s all. Thank you.
第2段:Most of the students are in favour of it.(正方观点)
Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个赞成的理由)
第3段:However, the others are strongly against it. (反方观点) Their reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由) 结论:
第4段:Personally speaking, the advantages overweigh the disadvantages, for it will do us more harm than good, so I support it.(个人观点) オ 2.“A或者B”类议论文模板: 导入:
第1段:Some people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways. Others, however, argue that B is much better. Personally, I would prefer A because I think A has more advantages. 正文:
第2段:There are many reasons why I prefer A. The main reason is that ... Another reason is that...(赞同A的原因) 第3段: Of course, B also has advantages to some extent... (列出1~2
第4段: But if all these factors are considered, A is much better than B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that ...(得出结论) オ
As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是赞成还是反对)
The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下) 正文:
第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个赞成或反对的理由) 结论:
第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成"总—分—总"结构)
...先讲女主的灵魂飘荡了一段时间,然后重生,请问是那本? 拯救者散热器怎么开 电脑如何一键还原系统电脑一键还原怎么操作 神舟笔记本电脑怎么重新设置神舟战神bios恢复出厂设置 神舟电脑恢复出厂设置神舟战神怎么恢复原厂系统 水泥楼梯如何铺木楼梯 家里面楼梯是水泥的不想铺地毯或者地砖还能铺什么 楼梯的水泥台阶上可以铺地板革吗 手机腾讯会议共享屏幕播放视频没声 腾讯会议共享屏幕没声音怎么办 牙齿怎么能刷白。? 用什么刷牙能使牙齿变白,而无害? 用什么刷牙,能让牙齿变白 请问用什么刷能把牙齿变白些? 微信转账提醒对方收款会提醒几次 微信转账能查到对方和账户吗? 微信转账是直接到对方的银行卡里 还是到对方的微信账户里? 做梦梦见鬼对你说你走是什么意思 早上九点多睡、然后梦见鬼、在棺材里突然坐起来说要带我走、做这梦说明什么 梦见鬼说自己身体有其他灵魂 我做了一个梦,梦到鬼,鬼对我说你相信这个世界上有鬼吗?我说相信,鬼说... 做梦梦到鬼说我是蝴蝶劫是什么意思? 梦见鬼在自己身上 梦到鬼了,然后说是我的灵魂 食品配料表上含有植物油,可是营养成份表里没有标反式脂肪酸可以吗? 氢化植物油伤胃么?氢化椰子油也算氢化植物油吧? 纯奶油的蛋糕比较健康吧 网上能买到吗 椰子肉是反式脂肪酸吗 贝洛伊奶油是动物奶油吗? 蛋糕什么奶油好吃 高考英语作文书信类模板 新款出来前啥时候可以定 华为手机怎么预定 华为手机,预约了,到了那天还要抢?还是到那天那个时间交钱了就能买到?买过的告诉我一下&#12854 华为手机开发布会时可顶订吗? 华为手机预约有几种方式? 华为手机可以语音预定机票吗 怎么订华为手机的位置 华为Mate40次次预约,什么梗? 感冒后,为什么晚上喉咙感觉特别疼,而白天没这种感觉? 为什么晚上喉咙痛,白天又没事。 晚上睡到半夜的时候喉咙就干痛,白天又不痛了? 得了咽喉炎为什么晚上很痛,白天却不痛? 喉咙晚上到半夜老是痛,还会引起头疼,白天又不会,请问是怎么回事呢。 嗓子白天不疼晚上疼怎么回事有什么食疗办法 怎么通过qq注册新 企业支付宝从哪里查看余额 查询支付宝公司打入银行卡内的金额(非银行卡余额)怎样查询? 如何消除麦克风回音 麦克风回音如何解决