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介绍几个西方传统节日用 英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 02:48



热心网友 时间:2022-06-01 09:15


Valentine's Day, also known as St. Valentine's Day or St. Valentine's Day, dates on February 14 of the Gregorian calendar, is one of the traditional festivals in Western countries, which originated from Christianity.

Now it has become a famous romantic festival all over the world, but people in different countries express their love in different ways.




Halloween, also known as All Saints'Day, is a traditional Western Festival on November 1, and October 31, the eve of Halloween, is the most lively time of the festival. 

Halloween Eve is often translated into Halloween in Chinese.




Christmas, also known as Christmas, is translated as "Christ Mass", which originated from the Lunar New Year celebration in ancient Rome and has nothing to do with Christianity. 

After the popularity of Christianity in the Roman Empire, the Holy See drifted this folk festival into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

But it is not Jesus'birthday on Christmas Day, because the Bible does not record when Jesus was born, nor does it mention such a festival, which is the result of Christianity's absorption of ancient Roman mythology.





Easter is an important festival in the West. It falls on the first Sunday after the full moon in the spring equinox every year. 

Christians believe that Easter symbolizes rebirth and hope in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after he was crucified between 30 and 33 A.D.




Thanksgiving Day, a traditional Western holiday, is a festival originally created by the American people. It is also a festival for American family reunion. 

At the beginning, there was no fixed date for Thanksgiving, which was decided temporarily by the states of the United States. Until 1863, after the independence of the United States, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. 

In 1941, the United States Congress officially designated the fourth Thursday in November as "Thanksgiving Day". Thanksgiving holidays usually last from Thursday to Sunday.




热心网友 时间:2022-06-01 10:33

Halloween 鬼节(万圣节)
Halloween, or Hallowe'en, is a tradition celebrated on the night of October 31, most notably by children dressing in costumes and going door-to-door collecting sweets, fruit, and other gifts, called most commonly trick-or-treating. Some other traditional activities include costume parties, watching horror films, going to "haunted" houses, and traditional autumn activities such as hayrides, some of which may even be "haunted".

Easter 复活节
Easter, the Sunday of the Resurrection, Pascha, or Resurrection Day, is the most important religious feast of the Christian liturgical year, observed at some point between late March and late April each year (early April to early May in Eastern Christianity), following the cycle of the moon. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, which Christians believe occurred on the third day of his death by crucifixion some time in the period AD 27 to 33. Easter also refers to the season of the church year, called Eastertide or the Easter Season. Traditionally the Easter Season lasted for the forty days from Easter Day until Ascension Day but now officially lasts for the fifty days until Pentecost. The first week of the Easter Season is known as Easter Week or the Octave of Easter.

Christmas 圣诞节
Christmas is an annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. Christmas festivities often combine the commemoration of Jesus' birth with various customs, many of which have been influenced by earlier winter festivals. Traditions include the display of Nativity scenes, Holly and Christmas trees, the exchange of gifts and cards, and the arrival of Father Christmas (Santa Claus) on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Popular Christmas themes include the promotion of goodwill, compassion, and peace.

In most places around the world, Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. It is preceded by Christmas Eve on December 24, and in some countries is followed by Boxing Day on December 26. The Armenian Apostolic Church observes Christmas on January 6, while certain old rite or old style Eastern Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas on January 7, the date on the Gregorian calendar which corresponds to 25 December on the Julian Calendar. The date as a birthdate for Jesus is merely traditional, and is not widely considered to be his actual date of birth.

Thanksgiving 感恩节
Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is an annual one-day holiday to give thanks to God for the things He has given one at the end of the harvest season. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday in October.
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