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求牛人帮忙翻译一下我的personal statement,急用!!!不要网页直接翻译粘贴给我的,要要自己翻译的,好的加分!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 02:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 04:45

In this world,there exists many different kinds of people.To them,they attribute themselves to ordinary people,bussiness men,scholer,engnier,ecator,and ect.But to me,I regard myself as a traveller,Thereafter I lead a life of vagabond, travelling around the world from place to place to find the truth that will transform and perfect me.
Sailing off
Three years ago, 我来到一个 place called BGY, attracted by 好奇心. 在这里, surrounding by knowledge and 笑声. 丰富的活动,有趣而生动的双语课程,AOI活动,CAS study,使我很快习惯并爱上了这里的生活.而学校部门开展的”领域周”,”China week”活动对社会的贡献使我对世界,对人生的看法更加清楚了.于是,我开始思索自己的将来.
Three years ago, I came to a place called BGY, attracted by curiousity.From there,surrounding by knowledge and laughing,colourful activity,interesting and vivid bilingual curriculum,AOI activity,CAS study,makes me quickly accustomed to and love that lifestyle.While school oprated "The Week of Region", China week activity attributing to the society makes me more clear about viewpoint of the world and the perspective about my lifetime.Therefore,I started to think of my future.
When I was studied in BGY.我就像一个充满好奇心的孩子.我天生就对知识充满渴望.学校的图书馆是我经常光顾的地方.才获得知识的同时,我开始萌生出出国的想法.而我想去的国家就是加拿大,因为他在国际上一流的教育水平吸引着我.同时,加拿大百分之59被森林覆盖的国土对我这个旅行者来说有着莫大的吸引.
When I was studied in BGY.It seemed that i became a child full of curiousity.I am eager for the knowledge from i was born.The school library was a palace where i often went to.While gaining knowledge,a thought to go abroad emerged from my mind.The country which i want to go is Canada,for its ecation level internationly attracts me.Meanwhile,the 59% coverage of forest of the whole land is a tremendous attraction for me as a traveller.
就像很多同龄的中国学生一样,我找不到自己未来的方向,因为平平凡凡的生活和工作并不是我想要的.在这个暑假里,我读了一本叫<art of travel>的书.这本由哲学家 Alain de Burton写的书让我知道了自己未来的方向-----多伦多大学,UBC,SFU…
Like many other same-aged Chinese students,i can not find my target for my future,for the ordinary life and working are not important for me.In this summer time,i read a book named <art of travel>.This book which was written by Alain de Burton makes me understand my way yo the future--The University of Torrento,UBC,SFU…
在求学的路上,不断的会有挑战等着我*.多伦多大学有着全世界最好的老师,先进的设备,丰富的活动…good ecation atmosphere, passion, students interests are limitless. 多大就像是一个大平台,为我梦想提供了放飞的舞台.而学校奥的学生部组织也能让我在求学的过程中体会到
Alonge the road of studying,there are many challenges waiting for me.The University of Torrento has the most outstanding teachers,good facilities,colourful activities,good ecation atmosphere, passion, students ,interests are limitless.The University of Torrento is like a platform for my dream.While the students' orginization also makes me feel the warm of my family ring my study.
我感兴趣的专业是marketing ,science市场营销….
The course i interested is marketing ,science,marketing and sales
What I learn the most useful knowledge 道理 from the <art of travel> was the passion in life. 有了方向就有了到达目的的力量/动力.我相信努力+*=成功. 因为我的人生已经不再lose.我会像亚历山大.冯.洪堡一样,在多大的知识包围下,在这59%森立覆盖着的领地上,找到自己的未来.
What I learn the most useful knowledge and principle from the <art of travel> was the passion in life.Having a direction is having a motivation to achieve the target.I believe that success equals passion plus hardworking.Because my life has not lose any more ,I,like Ferdnantvon,surrounded by the knowledge,on the land of 59% coverage of forest,find my future.
Sitting in the areoplane,closing my eyes,making my mind thinking over.The University of Torrento,a charming university,the exotic culture in Canada and the life on campous for 4 years…All and all
have changed greatly.And i have gained greatly from The University of Torrento.

苹果电脑电池充不进电苹果电脑充不进去电是怎么回事 苹果电脑不充电没反应苹果电脑充电指示灯不亮充不了电怎么办 狗狗更加忠诚护家、善解人意,养一只宠物陪伴自己,泰迪能长多大... 描写泰迪狗的外形和特点的句子 国外留学有用吗 花钱出国留学有用吗 !这叫什么号 百万医疗赔付后是否可以续保 前一年理赔过医疗险还能续保吗? 医疗住院险理赔后还能购买吗? personal statement 种土豆零下十度会冻土豆吗? 谁帮我翻译成英语? 土豆在零下七度时能下地种植吗 冬天怎么种植土豆? 大棚土豆零下三度怕冻吗? 土豆啥时种合适?怕冻吗? 冬季马铃薯种植要点有哪些?该注意什么? 土豆种在地里,零下6度,会不去冻,会不会影响发芽? 小米激活设备时怎样关机 开个小型纸箱厂需要多少钱?利润怎样?前景好吗? 一套纸箱设备要多少钱 钉箱机当当响怎样排除? 钉箱机怎么修 钉箱机向一侧斜是怎么回事? 半自动钉箱机不断打钉如何维修,经常这样如何解决 钉箱机双斜顶杆老是断什么问题? 脚踏式钉箱机总断钉该怎么去维修 纸箱厂的钉机怎样维修? 手推试纸箱钉箱机打钉错位怎么解决? 帮我翻译? 高中学历可以直接升本科吗? 英文翻译!!! 我现在是高中学历,可以直接考本科么? 帮我翻译一下英文,谢谢 谁帮我翻译成中文 高中学历可以直接升本科学历吗? 麻烦高手帮我翻译一下这段话~~多谢~~~ 翻译检查 求翻译 英译中 高手请进,急求英文翻译 现在可以高中直接考本科不? 在线等翻译!急! 综合高中可以考本科吗 能考的话是一本还是二本? 急需翻译!!! 高分翻译,汉翻英,不要机器翻译。请有经验的大侠来翻译,尽量精确到每个字,这篇是手写日志,尽力翻译准 急急急,高中学历可以考本科吗? 英文翻译(关于一些操作程序的,含一些专业术语) 高中毕业可以直接读本科吗? 江苏高考满分作文曝光?