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几道初一英语翻译题 最好用初一的词汇 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-21 07:34



热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 18:57

1、Let me tell you the way to the park
2、What is your mother?
She is a reporter,but she wants to become a doctor.
3、What is your father doing?
He is talking over the phone.
4、I am sure you will come here.
5、How is everything going?
How are you doing?

热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 18:57

1.Let me tell you the way to the park.
2.What does your mother do?She is a repoter but she wants to be a doctor.
3.What's your father doing? He's talking on the phone.
4.I am sure you will come here.
5.Is everything all right/OK?

热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 18:57

Let me tell you the way to the park .
-What does your mother do?-She is a journalist ,but she want to be a doctor .
-What is your father doing now?-He is speaking on the phone .
I am sure you will be here .
How is everything going ?

热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 18:58

Let me tell you the way to the park.
2 What does your mother work? she is a journist but she wants to be a doctor.
3 What is your father doing now? he is on the phone,
4 Are you sure you will be here?
5Does anything ok?

热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 18:59

1. Let me tell the way to the park.
2. What does your mother do ? She is a reporter, but she wants to be a doctor.
3. What is your father doing? He is making a telephone call.
4. I'm sure you'll come here.
5. Is everything going on well ?

热心网友 时间:2023-09-21 18:59

let me tell you the way to the park
what does your mother do ? she's a reporter, but she wants to be a doctor
what's your father doing? he's making a phone call
how's everthing going?
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