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Jj72的《Oxygen》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-21 14:02



热心网友 时间:2023-12-05 23:21


JJ72 - oxygen
short sleeves and warm skin
losing coins calling next of kin
dropping words about the city were in
ponds compressed by heavy air
us without care just sprawling there
airports and undergrounds
waiting to find the unfound
rising to pure insanity
here when you want me
true love has no simplicity
gods in our world
you and i were going so high
the air is getting thin
our land does not breathe in
we don't need oxygen
its dreams that bind us and locks us in
the rest are impaled by sense
you and i were going so high
the air is getting thin
our land does not breathe in
we don't need oxygen
its dreams that bind us and locks us in
the rest are impaled by sense


热心网友 时间:2023-12-05 23:21


JJ72 - oxygen
short sleeves and warm skin
losing coins calling next of kin
dropping words about the city were in
ponds compressed by heavy air
us without care just sprawling there
airports and undergrounds
waiting to find the unfound
rising to pure insanity
here when you want me
true love has no simplicity
gods in our world
you and i were going so high
the air is getting thin
our land does not breathe in
we don't need oxygen
its dreams that bind us and locks us in
the rest are impaled by sense
you and i were going so high
the air is getting thin
our land does not breathe in
we don't need oxygen
its dreams that bind us and locks us in
the rest are impaled by sense

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