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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-20 20:17



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 08:53

1, I love you, but I could do nothing about it.
2, I give you the whole heart, but you did not care.
3, why is my heart still pain?
4, once the love has gone, was too late to regret it.
5, I beg your pardon, for your love, I am addictive.
6, we agreed, I will continue. I am still waiting for you back.
7, two years later, you would Fall in love with me?
8, why would my heart hurts now?
9, before you are to me too much stress. and you left me.
10, love a love of their people, really good pain.
11, hypocritical smile, I can not support too long.
12, Darling, you have to believe me, two years and should not rece the trace of my love for you.
13 Unfortunately, I really do not know, I have had, I am very confused.
14, thinking back on that day you cross the road, I would giggle.
15, let me thank you once you experience the happy.
16, Darling, I miss you, you want to taste them, you want to sleep it.
17, remembers, later do not lie prone has been resting, such can not be good to the body.
18, should also keep in mind that I love you unless I die, or else it will never change!

热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 08:54

1.I love you, but I can't do nothing.
2.My heart belongs to you, but you don't care at all.
3.Why is my heart still hurt?
4.The love once for you has already disappeard, regret means nothing.
5.sorry, the love for you, I can't abstain.
6.I will contiue our appointment, I'm always waiting for you.
7.Tow years later, will you love me?
8. Why my heart was hurt now?
9. You left,because I gave you too much pressure.
10.I love someone who doesn't love me, which is very suffering.
11.I can't keep a sham smile all the time.
12.My sweet, you must know, my love for you will not be diminished two years later.
13.I really don't know if I have once possessed you. I am confused.
15.thank you for giving me some experiences of happiness.
16. My sweet, I miss you very much. Miss the flavor on your body, miss the look of your sleep.
17.please remember my loved, it is bad for your body if you curved sleep. “趴着睡”这句我不太确定,回来给你问问啊
18. my love for you will never be changed.
my love for you will last forever.

1, I love you, but I could do nothing about it.2, I give you the whole heart, but you did not care.3, why is my heart still pain?4, once the love has gone, was too late to regret it.5, I beg your pardon, for your love, I am addictive.6, we agreed, I will...


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