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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-18 17:42



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 18:15

1. Last week's earthquake to the local people by a lot of harm. (Do harm to)
2. The new teacher's humor has left me a deep impression. (Impress)
3. Business etiquette is not late in the most basic courtesy. (Etiquette)
4. Scientists have discovered that there are strong evidence that the brain is still in evolution. (Evolve)
5. This very comfortable chairs, so that I often sat to read until late at night.
6. Family should be the people to stay away from fear and dangerous place. (Be safe from)
7. Travel in the most people happy to be able to encounter different people, a taste of different customs and habits.
8. We met yesterday evening that person is the original Tina's cousin. (Turn out)
9. It seems that little boy will never never forget the tragic experiences of primary school. (Seem)
10. Force is not a good way to resolve the dispute.


热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 18:15

1.Last week's earthquake did nuch harm to the local residents.
2.The new teacher's humuor leaves a deep impression on me.
3.Do not late is the basic etiquette of the commercial etiquettes.
4.Scientists have found a concreate evidence to provethat human's brain is still evolving.
5.The chair is so comfortable that i read book till midnight sitting on it.
6.Home might be a place where people can be safe from dread and danger.
7.What makes people most happy is we can meet different people and customs.
8.The man we met last night was turned out to be tina's brother.
9.It seems that that boy can never forget the misery experience when he was a pupil.
10.Force is not a good way to solve conflicts.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 18:16

1,The earthquake happened last week did a graet harm to the local people.

2,The humourous of the new teacher impressed me very much.

3,Never be late is the basest etiquette of the business amenity .

6,Home should be the place people can be safe from dread and dangerous.

8,It turned out to be Tina's cousin we met last night.
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