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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 00:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 10:15

1.What will you do in year 2050
2.He gave me some tips about gardening
3.In the restaurant,they leave the tip to the waiter on the table.
4.John and his classmates are going abroad for further ecation next week.
5.I am sorry that you don't like the skirt,partilarly because he bought it especially for you.
6. .I am afraid that I can't take part in the meeting because I am going to see off my parents at the airport
7..It is said that the hospital had introced a new set of medical equipments
8.With the protection of the guard,he escaped of being attacked
9.I hear he will go to the abrosd next week.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 10:15


1.What will you be going to do in year 2050?

2.He gave me some tips about gardening.

3.In the restaurant,they left tip to the waiter on the table.

4.John and his classmates are going abroad for further ecation next week.

5.I am sorry you don't like the skirt,partilarly because he bought it for you.

6.I am afraid I can't take part in the meeting because I am seeing off my parents at the airport.

7.It is said that the hospital is introced a new set of medical equipments.

8.With the protection of the guard,he escaped of being attacked.

9.I hear he will go abroad next week.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 10:16

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