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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-20 10:40



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 16:50

A: what’s wrong with you Buddy? It’s something in your eyes looks so sad.
B: mm… I have just broke up with Susan, you know, we were as close as lips to teeth before, but now we are just like the most familiar strangers.
A: why? Why did this happen, I can’t even believe it.
B: Susan want to get marry first, but I think a man should have their career before getting married, that’s the disagreement between us also the reason we broke up. now we have no change to be together again.
C: it’s really a pity, it’s the same reason I broken up with my girlfriend, so misery loves company.
A: well, brother, you must get yourself together first. You have lost your girlfriend, but you can’t lose your life! Leave the past in the past gonna find the future, tomorrow I think that your life will be different!!!
B: Thanks, my buddy! It’s so good to have friends like you!!! How about we going to KTV, I want to sing out all the sadness in my heart.
AC: why not? Let’s go!

求助英语对话1 a:can you do me a favor?a:你能帮我一个忙吗?b:sure. what do you need?b:好,你需要什么?a:i need the car washed. here's a few bucks.a:我的车子需要洗. 这里有几块钱.b:okay.b:好的.求助英语对话2 a:can i give you a hand?a:需要帮忙吗?b:sure....


话题一:A: I have a question, people today always find themselves in a rush, what do you think are the reasons?B: I think one of the reasons is because today we exchange information in a very fast speed, it pushes people to respond to everything fast.C: I agree, phones ...


me- hello, there!x - hello! do u know how to get to the hospital?me- yes. go straight up this way, turn left at the first intersection, and then get to the end. you will see the hospital between the post office and the grocery.x - do you know how far that is?me...


1)Yes,I like to travel by air.It is quite convenient for busy man who wants to relax himself in a remote place.To book a ticket you should surf on the internet for the exact information about price and schedule.On the other hand,you can also book a ticket through telephone...


1.fix somebody up I hope you can fix me up a with the director as soon as possible.我希望您能尽快安排我和主任见面。2. fall in love at the first sight Mary and Tom met on a party, and they fell in love at frist sight.玛丽和汤姆在一起聚会上认识,并一见钟情。3. fed ...


1.描述你的同伴的外貌 My classmate John was the boy of my dreams. His black hair was always cut just so, and his bangs hung straight down on his forehead. His black eyes were the blackest of blacks, and when he smiled...oh, that smile. His entire face lit up, He had ...


C: Lazy,lazy. People always have time.D:Now it seems that our topic changes to me.A:OK, I suggest us going to the exercise room to go on our topic.B:Good idea, I want to do some exercises now.C:Let's go.D:I'll go soon.随便写了点· 也算是个简单的对话吧 ...


对照的英语:RECEPTIONIST: Hello,what can I do for you,sir(madam)?Guest: Yes, I want to make a reservation.RECEPTIONIST: How many are you?Guest: Just one RECEPTIONIST: What kind of room do you want to live? We have single room about 260 yuan per night, ...

拜托帮忙编两个英语对话吧,差不多要五分钟,口语考试用,谢谢! 速求...

A:Hi B:HI A:Thanks for inviting me to the dinner. Today is Mid – Autumn Festival. I bought a bunch of roses for you. Beautiful flowers for beautiful girl.B:It’s nothing. Thank you for your roses.(she hands him a present.) A little present for you.A:Oh, it’s...


is impossible to a willing heart.A: Thanks for your encouraging words. I will keep going.累死我了,写了一个下午。要编点东西还真难啊。上面的句子很多都是从听力资料里摘出来的,基本保证正确。楼主要是觉得有点短的话再扩充一点别的,比如说A觉得时间不够,B鼓励他之类的话吧。

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