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求birdy 的歌曲no angel的歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-20 12:47



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 04:48

歌曲:No Ange
Remember once the things you told me
And how the tears ran from my eyes?
They didn't fool because it hurt me
I just hate to see you cry!
Sometimes I wish we could be strangers,
So I didn't have to know your pain
But if I kept myself from danger
This emptiness would feel the same.
I ain't no angel
I never was
But I never hurt you
It's not my fault
You see those egg shells,
They’re broken up
A million pieces,
Strung out across the ground.
Did you ever really love her?
Or was it that you feel letting go?
You should have known that
you could trust her
But you pretend like I don't know
I ain't no angel
I never was
But I never hurt you
It's not my fault
You see those egg shells,
They’re broken up
A million pieces,
Strung out across the ground.
I want to tell you that I'm sorry,
But that's not for me to say
You can have my heart, my soul, my body,
If you can promise not to go away!
I ain't no angel
I never was
But I never hurt you
It's not my fault
You see those egg shells,
They’re broken up
A million pieces,
Strung out across the ground.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 04:48

birdy-no angel

I ain't no angel
I never was
But I never hurt you
It's not my fault
You see those egg shells, they're broken up
A million pieces, strung out across the ground



Remember once the things you told me
And how the tears ran from my eyes
They didn't fall because it hurt me
I just hate to see you cry
Sometimes I wish we could be strangers
So I didn't have to know your pain
But if I kept myself from danger
This empty news would feel the same

I ain't no angel
I never was
But I never hurt you
It's not my fault
You see those egg shells, they're broken up
A million pieces, strung out across the ground

Did you ever really love her
Or was it that you felt letting go
You should have known that you could trust her
But you pretend like I don't know

I ain't no angel
I never was
But I never hurt you
It's not my fault
You see those egg shells, they're broken up
A million pieces, strung out across the ground

I want to tell you that I'm sorry
But that's not for me to say
You can have my heart, my soul, my body
If you can promise not to go away

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