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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-20 01:28



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 15:06

Qian Xuesen (simplified Chinese: 钱学森; traditional Chinese: 钱学森; pinyin: Qián Xuésēn; Wade-Giles: Ch'ien Hsüeh-sên) (11 December 1911 – 31 October 2009) was a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs of both the United States and People's Republic of China. NASA documents commonly refer to him as H.S. Tsien.[1]
During the 1940s Qian was one of the founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory[2] at the California Institute of Technology. During the Second Red Scare of the 1950s, the United States government accused Qian of having communist sympathies, and he was stripped of his security clearance[3] in 1950. Qian then decided to return to China, but instead was detained at Terminal Island[4] near Los Angeles. After spending 5 years under virtual house arrest[5], Qian was released in 1955, in exchange for the repatriation of American pilots captured ring the Korean War. Notified by U.S. authorities that he was free to go, Qian immediately arranged his departure, leaving for China in September of 1955, on the passenger liner SS President Cleveland of American President Lines, via Hong Kong. He returned to lead the Chinese rocket program, and became known as the "Father of Chinese Rocketry" 。
英语作文 my hero

钱学森 My hero Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart. He has the greatest intelligence in the world. When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, being very hard-working. Then he won many big prizes ...

my hero in my eyes英语作文带翻译

Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart. He has the greatest intelligence in the world. When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, being very hard-working. Then he won many big prizes and had many famous...


Although the man is not rich enough, I think it means true love. Therefore, from the above example, we can see that love makes our life better and noble. It is usually those who value love rather than money.Remember that money is not everything.翻译:与金钱相比,爱情比金钱更...

关于我心目中的英雄 一篇英语作文 原创 谢谢

钱学森 My hero Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart. He has the greatest intelligence in the world. When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, being very hard-working. Then he won many big prizes and...




1、主要的是描写笔下人物的外貌特征,2、其次则是用一些叙事的手法突出任务的性格特征。3、充足的英语词汇量加上语法熟练的掌握,是写好英语作文的关键所在。Eg:Qian Xuesen is a great Chinese scientist. He was born in Hangzhou, China in 1911, He graduated from the Shanghai Jiao Tong ...



关于钱学森的 英语作文怎么写

信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。[写作向导]1.时态:人物介绍应根据人物不同时期做的事情来使用不同的时态。可用词汇与句型:the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for2008诺贝尔化学奖,Roger Y. Tsien 钱永健教授,Harvard University哈佛大学,University of California San Diego School美国加州大学圣迭戈分校 ...


Qian Xuesen (simplified Chinese: 钱学森; traditional Chinese: 钱学森; pinyin: Qián Xuésēn; Wade-Giles: Ch'ien Hsüeh-sên) (11 December 1911 – 31 October 2009) was a scientist who made important contributions to the missile and space programs of both the United States and People...

我心目中的社会 英语作文

钱学森 My hero Qian Xuesen,one of the most famous scientists in China,is the hero in my heart.He has the greatest intelligence in the world.When he was young,he studied in many famous universities in the world,being very hard-working.Then he won many big prizes and had many ...

钱学森的英语作文 钱学森的贡献英语作文 钱学森英语作文80字 钱学森英语作文100字 钱学森传记英语作文 介绍钱学森的英语短文 关于钱学森的英语介绍 钱学森英语介绍带翻译 钱学森 英语
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