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Just Friends (2010 Digital Remaster) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-20 14:10



热心网友 时间:2023-08-21 12:16

歌曲名:Just Friends (2010 Digital Remaster)
歌手:Laila Dalseth
专辑:Just Friends

Shane Harper - Just Friends
I wait for you to give me a sign
you tire me I have uncertainty
about how you feel, how your heart works
I just need to know for sure
if I asked you out would you smile and say yes
if I held your hand would you tell all your friends
if i sang you a song would you ask me to sing it again
or maybe we should just be friends
or maybe we should just be friends
there are so many things that I want to know
what do you love what do you hate what makes you strong what makes you break
what makes you laugh what makes you cry I need to know why
I need to know
if I asked you out would you smile and say yes
if I held your hand would you tell all your friends
if i sang you a song would you ask me to sing it again
or maybe we should just be friends
or maybe we should just be friends
maybe I’m the one for you maybe you’re the one for me
maybe we were meant to be together forever
maybe I’m the one for you maybe you’re the one for me
maybe we were meant to be together forever
if I asked you out would you smile and say yes
if I held your hand would you tell all your friends
if i sang you a song would you ask me to sing it again
or maybe we should just be friends
maybe we should just be friends

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