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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 19:08



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 04:44

One day you said do not want to let me know
You are so good for him
You said you would understand my sense of loss
Does not depend on tolerance
Will be able to escape
I thought
When I emerged just
You and he is said to be separated
I thought you were
Has he no longer look forward to
He does not condone give you hurt
I thought my tender
Give you really pleasure
I thought I could fully
To fill gaps in your feelings
To accompany you to concentrate around
Make up for all his fault
Maybe I was too naive
Thought that a miracle will happen
I thought after all
You will graally understand the
His heart is not in your body
My concern
You are still unmoved
I thought it was only I think
I thought my tender
Give you really pleasure
I thought I could fully
To fill gaps in your feelings
To accompany you to concentrate around
Make up for all his fault
Maybe I was too naive
Thought that a miracle will happen
He would let you red eyes
You are still a smile to forgive
So you want a good long
Who's side you want to stay in the
I thought I was strong enough to
But day by day down
Less give me a little hope
Hope not expect the
But it does defeat despair

热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 04:44

You once said to one day to let me know
You are so good for him
You can understand my lost said
Not by tolerance
Can release
I think
I appeared just
You and he prophesied to separate
I thought you
He no longer has to expect
Don't allow him to give you hurt
I think my gentle
Can you really cheerful
I think I can
Fill your feelings
Concentrate around with you
For all his fault
Maybe I was too naive
Think miracles happen

I think all
You will understand
He's not in your heart
I care
You still unconcerned
I think I just thought

I think my gentle

Can you really cheerful

I think I can

Fill your feelings

Concentrate around with you

For all his fault

Maybe I was too naive

Think miracles happen

He let you red eyes

But you still smile to forgive

You would think well

You must stay who side

I think my strong enough
But one day and disappointed

Give me a little less hope

Hope is not guilty
But lose it? Desperate
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