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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 18:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 00:35

I think it necessary to modify the regulation by the development department after reading the reply by development.
To adapt the new regulation, we must modify the statements effected.
We need to do some tests first to make sure the scheme is feasible and won't cause other problem. This test will last about 2 days.
I'll estimate the time to modify the effected statements after testing the final scheme.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 00:35

Development department looked back, I can understand development department made changes to this rule is necessary. In order to adapt to the new rules, the report must be modified to be affected. We need to do some tests to determine the revised scheme is feasible and will not cause other problems identified. This test takes about 2 days. Changes in the test program to determine the final, I will change all affected the estimated time required reports. Thank you

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 00:36

When recieving the reply from the Development Department,I can understand their changes of the rules are necessary.
n order to adapt to the new rule, we must have the affected statements modified.
We need to do some tests to make sure the modification scheme is feasible and couldn't cause other problems. This test probably need two days.
After determining the final modification plan, I will estimate the time we need to modify all affected statements .
Thank you!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 00:36

after reciewing the reply of the developing department,i totally understand why it is necessary to amend the regulation.
in order to adapt to the new rule ,we must do some revisement to the affected report forms.
at first ,we will do some test to make sure the plan is available and no problem will be arised.
this test will take about two days
after we concluded the final revisement plan,i will caculate how many time it will take to revise all of the affected report reform.
thank you

热心网友 时间:2024-11-30 00:37

See the development department's reply, I can understand development department do this rule changes are necessary.

In order to adapt to the new rule, we must have affected statements modified.

We need to do some tests to determine the modification scheme is feasible, and sure doesn't cause other problems. This test probably need two days.

In the test to determine the final modification plan, I estimate to modify all affected statements need much time.
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