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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 07:29



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 07:01

话说我也很喜欢看冰河世纪呢~ 呵呵

猛犸象:Manfred is a mammoth, shown as one of the main protagonists in all three Ice Age films. While his true name is Manfred, his friends refer to him simply as "Manny." He can be serious, but is otherwise caring and friendly.

树懒:Sid is portrayed as clumsy, fast-talking and unpopular; he's also voiced with a mild speech impediment.

剑齿虎:Diego is a saber-toothed cat, who has a somewhat sarcastic personality, although it's usually not intended as malicious. He conquered his hydrophobia in the second film.

松树:Scrat is a saber-toothed squirrel, a minor character in all three films. He is commonly shown in scenes involving Manfred, Sid and Diego, but never interacts with them directly (with a few exceptions). Scrat is usually seen trying to bury his beloved acorn.

母猛犸象:Ellie is a female Woolly Mammoth, who Manny, Diego and Sid meet on their migration to escape the flood in the second movie. It was revealed that when Ellie was young, she was separated from her herd ring the ice age. She came across two opossums named Crash and Eddie, along with their mother. She later forgot her origins and thought that she was an opossum.

负鼠:Crash and Eddie are two fraternal twin brother opossums that appear in the second film. These two brothers were the adopted brothers of Ellie the mammoth, but cared for her all the same, even teaching her to hang by her tail from a tree branch when she slept as they did.

你要是觉得不够还可以再找我~ ^-^ 希望能帮到你~

热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 07:01

话说我也很喜欢看冰河世纪呢~ 呵呵

猛犸象:Manfred is a mammoth, shown as one of the main protagonists in all three Ice Age films. While his true name is Manfred, his friends refer to him simply as "Manny." He can be serious, but is otherwise caring and friendly.

树懒:Sid is portrayed as clumsy, fast-talking and unpopular; he's also voiced with a mild speech impediment.

剑齿虎:Diego is a saber-toothed cat, who has a somewhat sarcastic personality, although it's usually not intended as malicious. He conquered his hydrophobia in the second film.

松树:Scrat is a saber-toothed squirrel, a minor character in all three films. He is commonly shown in scenes involving Manfred, Sid and Diego, but never interacts with them directly (with a few exceptions). Scrat is usually seen trying to bury his beloved acorn.

母猛犸象:Ellie is a female Woolly Mammoth, who Manny, Diego and Sid meet on their migration to escape the flood in the second movie. It was revealed that when Ellie was young, she was separated from her herd ring the ice age. She came across two opossums named Crash and Eddie, along with their mother. She later forgot her origins and thought that she was an opossum.

负鼠:Crash and Eddie are two fraternal twin brother opossums that appear in the second film. These two brothers were the adopted brothers of Ellie the mammoth, but cared for her all the same, even teaching her to hang by her tail from a tree branch when she slept as they did.

你要是觉得不够还可以再找我~ ^-^ 希望能帮到你~
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