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求james morrison的wonderful world歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 08:28



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 11:39

I've been down so low people look at me and they know,
they can tell something is wrong
like I dont belong,
well, staring through a window standing outside there just to happy to care
and I wana be like them but I'll mess it up again,
I tripped them out when God kicked outside everybody's soul.

And I know that it's a wonderful world
But i cant feel it right now,
I thought I was doing well but I just want to cry now,
Well I know that its a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea,
but I can only see when you're here, here with me.

Sometimes I feel so full that it just comes spilling out,
it's uncomfortable to see I give it away so easily,
but if I had someone I would do anything and never never never never let you feel alone
I wont, I wont leave u on your own,
who am I to dream, dreams are for fools, they always let you down.

And I know that it's a wonderful world
But I cant feel it right now,
I thought i was doing well but I just want to cry now,
Well I know that its a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea,
but I can only see when you're here, here with me.

And I wish that I could make it better,
I'd give anything for you to call me,
Maybe just a little letter
Oh it could start again.

And I know that it's a wonderful world
But I cant feel it right now,
I thought I was doing well but I just want to cry now,
Well I know that its a wonderful world from the sky down to the sea,
but I can only see when you're here, here with me.

I know that its a wonderful world
but I cant feel it right now,
Iv got all the right clothes to wear i just wana cry now,
I kno that it's a wonderful world from the sky down 2 the sea,
But I can only see well when ur here, here with me.

And I kno that it's a wonderful world
When your with me.
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