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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 01:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 09:27

Allen is an American friend of mine.He lives in china with his parents,and he thinks the Chinese food is so delicious that he almost eat Chinese delicious food for every day ,such as pork braised[红烧肉]peanut French-frying[油炸花生]and bean curd with ground pork in hot souce[麻婆豆腐].He is 14 years old,and he is very kind ,he likes to help others.When you ask his name,he always say"I'm a friend of China!"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 09:28

Allen is one of my friends,who comes from American.He lives in china with his parents now.He likes chinese food very much,and he enjoys them every day.In his opinion,chinese food is the most delicious food in the world,he always tells me that he want to live in china forever because he can't leave these good food.
Allen is 14 years old now.He is kind and friendly,and he very like to help others.I think he is angle who lives in my world.

I hope you like my translation.哈哈……

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 09:28

Allen is my good friend .He lives in China with his parients. But he is an American .He is very luckly. Every day he can help hisself to different kinds of food.It's delicious. he is only 14 years old ,however , he is very kind and helpful .He said helping others is very happy.So,he also helps other people .I'm very glad to have a friend like Allen .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 09:29

Allen is an American friend of mine.He lives in china with his parents,he enjoys all kinds of chinese delicious food so much that he all most eat different kind of snack everyday,such as boiled meat or fish ,and so on.
He is a young boy at the age of 14.He is very kind and friendly.He always try his best to help others.When they ask his name,he always say"I'm a friend of chinese!"
I preciate him so much

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 09:29

Allen is one of my American fridends, he now lives in China with his parents.Everyday he likes to eat various chinese dishes.He who now 14 years old is very friendly and kind-hearted and always ready to help others.

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