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英语作文 saving wild animals 提纲

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 05:14



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 23:58

Saving Wild Animals(含翻译)

Saving Wild Animals 保护野生动物

Write a composition entitled Saving Wild Animals. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chiness.


话题结论:从两方面 提出保护野生动物的措施。


Saving Wild Animals

Tbere is an undeniable fad that the number of wild animals is declining faster than ever before. This problem is so serious that it has aroused great concem to explore some reasons for this phenomenon.

Tbere are several underlying factors for the declining number of wild animals. Firstly, with the fast development of human society, the environment is seriously destroyed and wild animals lose their habitats . Accordingly, some species become extinct or on the verge of extinction. What's more, people hunt wild animals for food and skin. A good case in point is that the Japanese have killed a lot of whales because they like to eat the meat. In addition, human beings are largely responsible for the pollution of natural environment, and poison wild animals in many ways.

The current problem, I believe, should be solved immediately. For one thing, our govemment should play a key role in making relevant rules and protecting wild animals. For anotber, the general public should be ecated to value the existence of these animals on our planet. With the efforts of all concerned, more and more animals will be saved and protected. (189 words)

The current problem, I believe, should be solved immediately.我相信,目前存在的问题应立即解决。

点评:这是个被动语态的句子,其结构是The current problem should be solved immediately, I believe在本句中作插入语。

undeniable [ʌndi'naiəbl] adj.不可否认的
decline [di'klain] v.下降,下跌
underlying [ʌndər'laiiŋ] adj.基本的,根本的
habitat ['hæbitæt] n.栖息地
accordingly [ə'kɔ:rdiŋ] adv.因此,相应地
extinct [ik'stiŋkt] adj.灭绝的
on the verge of 濒临于,处在…… 的边缘
a good case in point 一个很好的例子
play a key role 起到关键作用
relevant ['reləvənt] adj.有关的

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 23:59

Saving the Animals
As time goes by,man has fewer and fewer forests.People cut down too many trees,so the environment is becoming worse and worse.Many animals have less and less land to live on.And some hunters often kill animals for their fur,so some animals become rare.What shall we do to protect them?Animals are our friends!I think we must keep some rare animals like pandas and tigers in nature reserves.For the common animals,we can show signs to people“Don’t kill animals!”at the foot of the hills or in the trees.If animals don’t have enough food,we should put some food somewhere to keep them full.
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