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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 05:47



热心网友 时间:2024-01-09 06:57

楼上的,是The kite Runner,不是"Pursues Kite's Person",

In "The kite Runner", the kite is symbolic, it already may be the dear ones, the friendship, love, may also be honest, is good, is honest. [2] pursue kite's person is not only Hasan, is also Amell. To Amell, the kite metaphor he the personality essential part, only then pursued, he could become the perfect person, becomes Amell who he hoped. The author describes under Afghanistan polarization of the rich and the poor social ethics and the character conflicts the point sort to be unique, is half blood brothers, a rich child, a poor child, spiritless timid, brave firm. The kite is unfolds these two different social position, the social disposition character's link, the emotions which is also brothers the dear ones after having experienced huge social accident can continue. In Amell's heart, Hasan will be forever loyal and the good pronoun, this character likely flies the high kite, lets him long for, lets him track down In brief, the kite has already symbolized brothers the friendship, is also suggesting the courage. Releases for flight in the kite in the process, the possible bloodstain to be dripping, but only then pursues finally to kite's person, can obtain is tranquil and is peaceful. “is you, millions.”[1] 359 these words have contained the huge sentimental strength

This original life, is the childhood happy memory, is to good friend's repayment, is returns to the hometown and the motherland entangles the unforgettable mood. If in front of the history and the destiny, our each people frail is similar to the space the kite, is maintaining all hopes and the sentiment merely by reason of a careful line, if we had made once a mistake, loses the most beloved that kite, hoped that we have the courage to pursue it, regardless of that has difficultly, how long crossed.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-09 06:57

In "Pursues Kite's Person", the kite is symbolic, it already may be the dear ones, the friendship, love, may also be honest, is good, is honest. [2] pursue kite's person is not only Hasan, is also Amell. To Amell, the kite metaphor he the personality essential part, only then pursued, he could become the perfect person, becomes Amell who he hoped. The author describes under Afghanistan polarization of the rich and the poor social ethics and the character conflicts the point sort to be unique, is half blood brothers, a rich child, a poor child, spiritless timid, brave firm. The kite is unfolds these two different social position, the social disposition character's link, the emotions which is also brothers the dear ones after having experienced huge social accident can continue. In Amell's heart, Hasan will be forever loyal and the good pronoun, this character likely flies the high kite, lets him long for, lets him track down In brief, the kite has already symbolized brothers the friendship, is also suggesting the courage. Releases for flight in the kite in the process, the possible bloodstain to be dripping, but only then pursues finally to kite's person, can obtain is tranquil and is peaceful. “is you, millions.”[1] 359 these words have contained the huge sentimental strength

This original life, is the childhood happy memory, is to good friend's repayment, is returns to the hometown and the motherland entangles the unforgettable mood. If in front of the history and the destiny, our each people frail is similar to the space the kite, is maintaining all hopes and the sentiment merely by reason of a careful line, if we had made once a mistake, loses the most beloved that kite, hoped that we have the courage to pursue it, regardless of that has difficultly, how long crossed.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-09 06:58

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