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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 06:33



热心网友 时间:2024-01-08 18:45


March 25, 2015
Article: Swansea University Bay Campus site is just the job after rendancy

36-year-old administrator Matthew is working on the Bay Campus site in Neath Port Talbot after he was made rendant in 2013.
Matthew Williams, of Port Talbot, was helped back into employment at the campus by the Neath Port Talbot Workways team.
Mr Williams is now a full-time site administrator for RDM Electrical and Mechanical Services, the main subcontractor delivering electrical and mechanical services at the development.
Matthew said Neath Port Talbot Workways’ sessions had a big impact.
“I am extremely grateful that Workways offered me such a fantastic support network, which included companies such as RDM, that empowered me with confidence and belief in myself,” he said.
“They tailored their service to me by matching my skills to a relevant employer and to many others that are between jobs, to enable them to enhance their employability.
“Additionally, I am very appreciative of RDM Mechanical and Electrical Services for offering me an exciting opportunity and new challenge.”
Matthew added he was “very fortunate” to be working within a great team and was looking to improving his administrational abilities by completing an NVQ in Business and Administration at Level 2 and 3.
His role on the Bay Campus project includes communication of all health and safety information between RDM Mechanical and Electrical Services and contractor Vinci Construction UK, stock control of plant and personal protective equipment and general day-to-day administrative ties including liaison with suppliers and sub-contractors.
Steve Pridmore, operations director at RDM Mechanical and Electrical Services, said: “Matthew is growing into this role week by week and is learning the demanding requirements of a large construction project.
“His role is of great benefit to RDM as he is the focal point for transfer of information between all RDM staff on site.”
Rupert Joseland, regional director of St Modwen, land owner and site developer for the project, added: “We are thoroughly committed to supporting local supply chains, jobs and skills at our Bay Campus development for Swansea University.
“We have worked alongside our main contractors and their local training partners, to generate as many opportunities for local people as possible and it is great to see the positive impact of this.”
Extract taken from The Evening Post
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