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英文歌名字就是 KISS 女的唱的

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 23:17



热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 04:27

歌名是:holly valance kiss kiss
下载地址: http://p.cnamd.cn/mp3/kisskiss.mp3
歌词:mwah. mwah.
when you look at me, tell me what you see,
this is what you get, it's the way i am.
when i look at you, i wanna be, i wanna be,
somewhere close to heaven, with neanderthal man.
don't go, i know you wanna touch me, here, there and everywhere,
sparks fly when we are together, you can't deny the facts of life.
you don't have to act like a star, trying moves in the back of your car,
but you know that we can go far, coz tonight you're gonna get my (kiss kiss).
don't play the games that you play, coz you know that i won't run away,
why aren't you asking me to stay, coz tonight i'm gonna give you my (kiss kiss).
you could be mine, baby, what's your star sign?
won't you take a step into the lion's den.
i can hear my conscience calling you, calling you,
say i'm gonna be a bad girl again.
why don't you come on over, we can't leave this all undone,
got a devil on my shoulder, there's no place for you to run.
if you forget, i'll remind you, if you're paranoid, i'm behind you,
if you lose your head, i'll find you, sending you my kiss.
if you forget, i'll remind you, if you're paranoid, i'm behind you,
if you lose your head, i'll find you, kiss, kiss.
don't, don't,(kiss kiss) i, i, don't, don't, ki-ki, i, i.
don't, don't, mwah, don't, don't, don't, oh yeah.
don't have to act like a, trying moves in the back of your,
but you know that we can go, coz tonight you're gonna get my.
ahh, ahh, mwah.http: lrc.bzmtv.com



热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 04:28



U don't have 2 be beautiful 2 turn me on
I just need your body, baby, from sk till dawn
U don't need experience 2 turn me on
U just leave it all up 2 me,
I'm gonna show U what it's all about
U don't have 2 be rich 2 be my girl
U don't have 2 be cool 2 rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'm morepatible with
I just want your extra time and your. kiss

U got 2 not talk dirty, baby, if U wanna impress me
U can't be 2 flirty, mama, And know how 2 undress me (Yeah)
I want 2 be your fantasy, maybe U could be mine
U just leave it all up 2 me, we could have a good time
Women, not girls, rule my world,
I said they rule my world
Act your age, mama, not your shoe size,
maybe we could do the twirl
U don't have 2 watch Dynasty 2 have an attitude, uh
U just leave it all up 2 me, my love will be your food (Yeah)

U don't have 2 be rich 2 be my girl
U don't have 2 be cool 2 rule my world
Ain't no particular sign I'mpatible with!
I just want your extra time and your kiss

热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 04:28

holly valance - kiss kiss


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