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December Love 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 20:22



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 22:30

歌曲名:December Love
专辑:12月のLove Song Complete Box

Gackt - December Love Song
Music By:Gackt.C
Lyric By:GacktC
Made BY:GacktChoi
The everting lights
Coloring the nights busy avenues
Down the stree brings back memories of you
Now I am watching as
Lovers pass me by
Finding your shadows
In the views of my eyes
Now i am here
All alone
Remembering the time
We used to laught together
In the fall of the cold
I still think of you
Wondering if you feel the same
Save your smile for me
Even although you cry for me
Remember me and love me always
Love and smile for me
Hold on to all that we had
Remembering and love me again....
I`m so depressed living
A quiet life now
There is no one here
In which to hold hands
Or protect me from the clod
Feeling like this loneliness
Will fear me apart
I am waiting and looking for you voice
To get me out of the dark
Snowflakes fall like the tears that
Running down my face
I wanna hold you
Juse one more time
I think of you night and day
Wow Oh.....
Being in the silence of the right
Fall into my arms
And I`ll hold you so tight
My Kiss will guide our missing hearts
And tell me you`ll love again
Save youe smile for me
Love and smile foe me
Hold on to all the we had
Remember me and love me always......
Remember me and love me again......

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