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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-13 20:20



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 20:37

1.Mr.Williams is going to put the vase in the front of the window
改为Mr.Williams is going to putting the vase in the front of the window

4Here are you. 改为Here you are.

5 This hat is nice Put on it 改为 The hat is nice . Put it on .
7 Tears drop her face.改为 Tears drop on her face.
8 Do you doing your homework?
No,I'm doing my homework.I'm watching TV
改为Are you doing your homework?
No,I'mnot. I'm watching TV
9.Send to Mary these letter.改为
Sending to Mary these letter.
10.Don't doing that!改为Don't that.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 20:37

1、in the front of 改为in front of
5、put it on
7、drop on

热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 20:38

1.Mr.Williams is going to put the vase in front of the window.
2.What are you going to do with the thing?
3.Summer is coming. It is going to be hot.
4.Give the book to me,please.
Here you are.
5This hat is nice.Put it on .
6.They are cleaning their teeth.
7.She is very sad.Tears drop off her face.
8.Are you doing your homework?
No,I'm not doing my homework.I'm watching TV.
9.Send Mary these letters.
10.Don't do that!It's dangerous to jump off the wall.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 20:38

3.be hot
4.Give are->is
5.Put it on.
7.drop off
8.Do->Are No,I'm not
10.doing->do jumping->jump
猫咪丢了之后心里很难过,然后男友担心我就重新去领养了一只小花猫,可是... 有关名侦探柯南黑暗组织!! qq上删除的好友怎么找回来,六个月以上的。只要能找到QQ号就行,我可以... 六个月内删掉的qq好友能找回吗? 急!!因欠费而停机的手机能收到短信吗 手机关机之后停机信息是否可以收到 手机欠费后冲了钱但还是欠费会收到短信吗 手机停机了,包月的流量没用完,能收到微信吗? 德州到潍坊用不用隔离? 南都周刊2011年有一篇社论≪躺在时间的河流上怀念他们≫写得很棒... It seems that she is very sad It seems that she is very sad=She is seems to be very sad。吗好多人说不能在seem前加is,为什么? 英语找错! She is very sad. Tears drop her face.有语 she+is+very+sad的问句是什么? s a d. i s. s h e. v e r y 这几个词连词成句? 23年燃油车购车购置税减免政策? 23年购置税政策 23年购置税还会减半吗官网 22年买车23年交购置税多少 23年购车338000购置税多少? ...北海道黄杨、丛生木槿、珊瑚树、红叶石楠的价格 10多年未修剪的红叶石楠树值钱吗 怎么安装ghostwin10系统|win10ghost硬盘安装教程 ghostwin10安装教程 ghostWin10怎么安装 鹿蹄和羊蹄的区别 出了交通事故会影响贷款吗 事故车能抵押贷款吗 2022运城市高二期中考试范围 She looks very sad.I want to help her but I don't know____to do. A.what B.how C.where D.when 用last week来写英语作文五句话 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)小题1:The meat smells ____________(terrible). Throw it away.小题2: Whi difference的派生词 抖音直播怎么用道具看不到人 为什么世界杯直播看不见人 相册隐私密码忘了怎么办 世界上使用葡萄酒做基酒生产出的蒸馏酒都是干邑白兰地吗? 92到83之间加了几 想问目前国际公认的高技术前沿有哪些 意大利PU皮是什么皮料 意大利仿皮纹料是什么?是不是真皮?质量怎么样? 郑州有金吉鸟健身吗? 南京弘阳广场有没有健身房? 兴业银行现金宝1号和3号区别是什么 天津有没有哪里有招聘反串的吗?急需 找一份关于反串的工作 自信的生活从点滴做起 结合自己的生活实际,围绕如何从生活的点滴小事做起,逐步走向自立自强为主题,写一篇300字的讲稿 现在二胎政策出台,还要强制性要求结扎吗