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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 03:19



热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 21:50

1.if you are at public, don't puzzle. Leave following the instruction of the staff.Leave in queen to prevent from getting confusion.

2If you are at home. Cut off the power,turn the gas off at the mains in case of fire.

3.If you are at outdoor,keep away from the narrow street, poles, bridges and main buildings. Put a pillow up on head if case of accidents.

4.Who are not possible to leave out ring earthquake. Take some emergency actions. Firm furnitures and narrow-width room will be preferred.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 21:50

1. If in public places, do not be panic, you should withdraw under the arrangement of the staff orderly, rather than rush into nowhere by causing panic.

2. If in the house, to cut off all power including gas to prevent fires.

3. Outdoors, You should stay away from the narrow alleys, poles, bridges, tall buildings, such as with the soft pillow of guards in the head, smashing against things down.

4. Earthquake unable or too late to withdraw to outside people, according to local conditions and take some emergency measures, solid furniture and small-span rooms are temporarily hiding place.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-14 21:51

1.If in public places, don't panic. Please evacuate orderly under the arrangement of rescuers and don't rush to incur chaos.
2.If at home, please do cut off the electricity and turn off the gas in case of fire.
3.If outdoors, keep away from narrow streets, telegraph poles, bridges, tall buildings and so on. Try to find sth. soft like a pillow to protect your head in case something drop down.
4.If you are unable to go out of room when earthquake occurs, you could adjust measures to local conditions. For example, you could make use of firm furniture or a small room to keep yourself safe temporarily.

参考资料:All by myself

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