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中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 !! 请高手帮我翻 十五分

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 20:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:32

在这个岛上 是允许一夫多妻制的婚姻 也允许*的婚姻
On this island, it is ok for one man to have more than wife. and also acceptable is the marriage of one person to another of the same sex.
每个人都是平等和自由的的 每个人都有权力 去追求自己想要的婚姻
Everyone is entitled to the way he / she gets married
在这里 没有任何性别的约束 人们可以随心所欲的和自己所爱的人结婚 只要不侵犯他人的权利 也不犯罪
Here, no limit is set to marriage of any sort as long as someone loves someone else based on the principle that no other person's rights are violated and that no crime is committed.
不论是同性 还是异性 . 只要男人和女人们彼此相爱 也许一个丈夫也可以有很多妻子, 这样的婚姻是允许的
Whether it is a marriage to the same sex or one to the opposite, it is quite acceptable where men and women are in true love with one another or one man has more than one wife.
唯一的规定就是 结婚之後 三年内不得离婚
One precondition is that no divorce shall be issued within the first three years of marriage.
为什麼会有这条规定呢? 因为为了让人们认真的对待婚姻 而不是抱著随便的态度去结婚
Why has there been such a precontion? Its purpose is for the people to take marriage seriously rather than for them to be irresponsible.
并且可以在结婚前 认真的思考结婚的意义 而多加了这条规定
This addition is given so that people can think their marriage over before they regret.

在这个岛上 最低的喝酒年龄是从13岁开始 到17岁
On this island the minimum age for drinking is from 13 to 17 years of age
在这里 只要不犯罪或做坏事 其实没有*喝酒的年龄
Actually there is no age limit if you commit no crime or do nothing wrong.
13岁算是成年 所以允许喝酒 但喝酒年龄13岁开始到17岁 喝酒 必须要有父母或监护人在旁监督 以防发生意外
A 13-year-old is supposed to be a grown-up but must be under legal guardianship when drinking lest an accident should happen
另外 在这里的每一家商店 若要买酒的话 必须出示文件证明 已成年 若没有文件证明已成年 不会贩卖酒给你
Remember that you have to show your ID, telling us you are a grown-up when you purchase alcohol or liquor in any shop here, or you will be denied its purchase

I may be late tonight (China time), but wait if you please.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:33

polygamy is legal in this island as well as the marriage of homosexual
everybody has equality and freedom and has the right to find the marrige that they want
there is no constraint about sex,people can marry anyone who they loved,only in the situation that you are not violate the rights of others and do nothing criminal
there is no bussiness with sex,maybe a husband can have not only a wife only if they love each other and it is permitted by the law.
the only rule is that you are forbidden to be divorced within 3 years after your marriage
as people want to treat with their marriage seriously and thinking about why they married so they make out this rule


The legal drinking age is 13 on this island since the age 13 is considered althood here, but until 17 years of age, you must be supervised by parents or guardians to prevent an accident from happening. However, as long as you don't do bad things or commit a crime, the age will not be a very big problem. By the way, you have to present your ID if you would like to purchase alcohol. The liquor store will not sell any drinks if you are not proven to be over the age limit.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:33

On this island, polygamy is allowed and so is gay marriage. Everyone is equal and has the right and freedom to pursue a marriage of his or her dream. There is no restriction of sex here, people can marry whoever they want as long as they don't interfere other's lives and don't commit crimes. As long as two parties love each other, doesn't matter if they have opposite sex, a husband could have more than one wife. Such marriage is allowed. However, the only marriage law here is that after registering marriage, this marriage can not be broken within the next 3 years. The purpose of this law is to teach people to be responsible for their marriage and encourage people to take time thinking about the true meaning of love and marriage before they get married.

The legal drinking age is 13 on this island since the age 13 is considered althood here, but until 17 years of age, you must be supervised by parents or guardians to prevent an accident from happening. However, as long as you don't do bad things or commit a crime, the age will not be a very big problem. By the way, you have to present your ID if you would like to purchase alcohol. The liquor store will not sell any drinks if you are not proven to be over the age limit.

手写的 看看行不行

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:34

In this island is allowed to polygamous marriage also allows gay marriage
Everyone is equal and free of everyone has the right to pursue their own want to marriage
There is not any gender constraints people can follow one's inclinations and the person that oneself love marriage as long as not to violate the rights of others is not a crime
Whether gay or straight. As long as men and women love each other perhaps a husband and wife can have a lot of, this kind of marriage is allowed
The only rules is to get married after three years shall not divorce
Why has this stipulation? Because in order to let people seriously take marriage and not holding the casual attitude to get married
And before the marriage seriously thinking about the meaning of marriage and with this rule

On the island of minimum drinking age 13 years old from start to 17 years old
Here as long as not crime or do bad things but there is no limit of drinking age
13 years old is alt so allowed to drink but drinking age 13 years of age to 17 years old
Drink must have parents or guardian supervise in case accident
In addition in here every store to buy wine must be presented if word documents already alt if no documented already alt won't sell wine to you

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:35

In this island, polygamous marriage is allowed also is homosexual marriage
Everyone is equal and free, everyone have the right to aspire the marriage they desired
In here, sex will never be a restrain. People can follow their own inclinations to marry with their beloved one. As long as they do not encroach on others right he will not be considered as an offense.
No matter it is homosexual or isomerism, only when those men and women are in love with one another, a man could have a lot of wives, this kind of marriage is allowed.
The only rule is, after marriage, no divorcement can be drawn in 3 years’ time.
Why should this stipulation be set? Because it can let people face marriages seriously but not in a casual and informal attitude.
Also, before marriages, carefully and seriously think of the meaning of what-so-call a marriage, so this became the only stipulation.

In this island, the legal minimum alcohol intake age started from13 to 17.
In here, as long as you don't commit any offenses or does any violent sake, there’s actually not a limit on the legal alcohol intake age.
Manhood start from 13, so permission of alcohol intake is given, but only from 13 to 17 (对不起,这句我不是太明白您的意思,总觉得有点奇怪)
When drinking, you must be accompanied by parents of guardian to prevent accidents.
On the other hand, in case of buying any alcohol, it is a must to show your identity to prove you are alt. If there is no evidences, no alcohol would be sold to you.
PS: 下面‘ 我的昵称不好起’ 翻译那个,词汇用的挺好,就是有点语法错误,建议摆进Word里调一调。还有我看到前面两位都用了gay marriage, 这个字除了稍微粗俗以外,也只指男性*,女性的话用lesbian所以我建议使用homosexual,男女皆可。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 15:35

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