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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 13:22



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 11:33

Tolerance is a kind of beauty
Tolerance is the supreme virtue in people's life. Everyone Each one has his good points., Each man has his limitations., be not at all surprising. Each in reality people will be unhappy or failed, and you face these difficulties encountered and strain every nerve insurmountable barriers still, how do tolerance is a wide and vast expanse of sea, inclusive. All, but also to resolve everything. Therefore, life need tolerance, she is a silent ecation.
Forgiving yourself, is calmly to work and life. But tolerant of people, the belief is more real. This state of mind to enrich their good work to go. So, greatness lies in tolerance of the heart, true tolerance are always sincere, natural; tolerance is a kind of wisdom of life road, the disadvantage is a blessing, misunderstanding is not too much, in fact, is a broad mind and sincere attitude. It enable us to realize other people understand, and makes others deserve our forgiveness.
Everywhere is tolerant of others, is not weak, but people treat art. With them, with his is good; and the other people can not go is yourself. Only tolerant view of life and be considerate of others, can obtain a relaxed, comfortable life, to live in joy and friendliness my heart will be a little regret, and depressed in the heart, will be able to put up a strong me. As long as you have the real tolerance, will be able to overcome one's own short, you will get a piece of blue sky, smile to life.
Ancient cloud: "gold pure and no man is perfect. You know people are not themselves in a single line, in this world, though people went their own way of life, but all cannot avoid collision. We inevitably have friction and conflict with people in life, in fact, these are not terrible, terrible is that we often unwilling to resolve it, but let the friction and conflict escalation, made things out of hand. This must use the tolerant heart to forgive others learn, sincere smile in the face, say sorry, actually this is a kind of beauty. When we use plain sincere, Qing Ling Kong Jie heart to treat each other, each other is certainly not without feeling, so that between the heart and the heart in order to bridge the communication gap. Then we also obtained with, get happy.
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