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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 02:58



热心网友 时间:2023-07-27 12:59

The working principle of a firewall in the enterprise application


Firewall is a general term for types of preventive measures, it makes between the internal network and the Internet or other external network segregation, restrictions on the network to protect the internal network visits. Simple firewall router can only realized, complex and even the host can be used to achieve a sub-network. Are aimed at setting up a firewall in the internal network and external networks to set up the only channel to simplify network security management. In this paper, what is a firewall, why do we need a firewall and the firewall in the use of specific practice. In this paper, the focus of firewall technology in the second chapter and Chapter III of the type of firewall. In the second chapter introces the architecture of the firewall and proxy server design. Chapter V gives an enterprise network on the realization of firewall technology.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-27 13:00

The working principle of a firewall in the enterprise application
Firewall is a general term for types of preventive measures, it makes between the internal network and the Internet or other external network segregation, restrictions on the network to protect the internal network visits. Simple firewall router can only realized, complex and even the host can be used to achieve a sub-network. Are aimed at setting up a firewall in the internal network and external networks to set up the only channel to simplify network security management. In this paper, what is a firewall, why do we need a firewall and the firewall in the use of specific practice. In this paper, the focus of firewall technology in the second chapter and Chapter III of the type of firewall. In the second chapter introces the architecture of the firewall and proxy server design. Chapter V gives an enterprise network on the realization of firewall technology.

Keywords: firewall, the principle of security

热心网友 时间:2023-07-27 13:00

Firewalls and working principle of the application in enterprises
Pick to
A firewall is a kind of preventive measures, it makes the internal network and Internet or between each other external network limited isolation, visits to protect the internal network, network. Firewall is simple to use routers, complex can be used to host a subnet even. Firewall Settings is aimed at the Intranet and set up the channel between the external network, network security management. This paper mainly introces the firewall, why the need for what is in the concrete and the firewall firewall practical application. The paper focus on the second chapter firewall technology and the third chapter firewall type. In the second chapter mainly introces the system structure and firewall proxy server design. A fifth ZhangJu about enterprise network firewall technology.

Keywords: firewall, principle, safety

热心网友 时间:2023-07-27 13:01

Firewall is a general term for types of preventive measures, it makes between the internal network and the Internet or other external network segregation, restrictions on the network to protect the internal network visits. Simple firewall router can only realized, complex and even the host can be used to achieve a sub-network. Are aimed at setting up a firewall in the internal network and external networks to set up the only channel to simplify network security management. In this paper, what is a firewall, why do we need a firewall and the firewall in the use of specific practice. In this paper, the focus of firewall technology in the second chapter and Chapter III of the type of firewall. In the second chapter introces the architecture of the firewall and proxy server design. Chapter V gives an enterprise network on the realization of firewall technology.

热心网友 时间:2023-07-27 13:01

The firewall is a kind of measure general name, it causes between the internal network and Internet or isolates, the limit network exchange visits with other exterior network to use for mutually to protect the internal network. The firewall simple may only use the router to realize, complex may use a main engine even subnet to realize. The establishment firewall goal is for sets up the only channel in the intranet with the exterior net, the simplified network safety control. This article mainly introced anything is the firewall, why needs the firewall as well as the firewall in the concrete practice utilization. This article stress point in second chapter of firewall technology and third chapter of firewall type. Mainly introced in the second chapter firewall's architecture and the agent server's design realizes. Fifth octopus had about enterprise network firewall technology
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