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英语不好。帮忙翻译 中文翻译成英语

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-17 02:40



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 18:27

The purpose understands the meal nourishment condition of two primary school childs of mountain City of Tang, inquirying into Tang the nourishment present condition and the body growth circumstances of the primary school child of the mountain City, to hereafter guide its reasonable food to provide the basis.The method samples two primary schools of mountain City of Tang random for 1-6 years and parts of class student body, add up to 317 people, as to it's carry on general circumstance, the meal nourishment condition's investigate, use the nourishment calculator V1.6 conversion data, the Excel establishment database, the SPSS13.0 statisticses the software to carry on the analysis.The energy of two primary school childs of result absorbs the level as 1672 kcals equally, absorbing the shortage to have 62.5%;The equally absorb of the protein level for 62.5 gs, absorb the shortage to have 46.7%;The vitamin AN absorbs the level as 502.5 mgREs/ d equally, absorbing the shortage to have 53.9%;The vitamin C absorbs the level as 81.1 mgs/ d equally, absorbing the shortage to have 11.4%;The zinc absorbs the level as 9.2 mgs/ d equally, absorbing the shortage to have 58.9%;The calcium absorbs the level as 429.1 mgs/ d equally, low in recommend the feat level half the number of have 30.9%.The energy of Tang's two primary school childs in the mountain City of conclusion absorb widespread and low, the vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, calcium absorbs to exist the different degree to lack, this explains the child the meal nourishment vegetable absorb not reasonable, so should strengthen the primary school child the meal nourishment 宣 teach and the health ecation of the micronutrient complement.
Keyword:The child's meal nourishment condition valuation
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