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The Warning (Claude Monnet & Torre Bros Main Mix) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-16 22:14



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 11:12

歌曲名:The Warning (Claude Monnet & Torre Bros Main Mix)
专辑:Strictly Ibiza

Eminem - The Warning
only reason i disssed you in the first place
was because you denied seeing me now im pissed off
sit back homie relax in fact grab a 6 pack
kick back while i kick facts
yah dre sick track
perfect way to get back
wanna hear some wick wack
i got the same exact tat thats on nicks back
im obsessed now
oh g that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee
wow mariah i didnt expect you to go balls out
bitch shut the * up before i put all them phone calls out
you made at my house while you were wildin out
before nick when yous was on my dick ill give you something to smile about
how many times did you fly to my house
still trying to count you better shut your lying mouth if you dont want nick finding out
you probably think cuz since its been so long if i had something on you i woulda done it by now
on the contrary mary poppins im mixing a studio session down and sending it in to mastering to make it loud
enough dirt on you to murder you
this is what the * i do
mariaaahh did it ever occur to you that i still have pictures
however you prefer to do and that goes for nick too faggot you think im scurred of you
you gonna ruin my career you better get one
like im gonna sit and fight with you over some slut bitch cunt
that made me put up with her pscyho ass over 6 months
and only spread her legs to let me hit once
yeah what you gonna say im lucky tell the public that i was so ugly
that you *ing had to be drunk to * me
second base what the * you tell nick pumpkin
second week we were dry humpin that has to count for somethin
listen girlie surely you dont want me to talk about how i nutted early
cuz i ejaculated prematurely and bust all over your belly
and you almost started hurlin and said i was gross go get a towel
your stomachs curling or maybe you do
but if im embarassing me im embarassing you
and dont you dare say it isnt true
as long as that songs getting airplay im dissin you
im a hair away from getting carried away and gettin sued
i was gonna stop at 16 that was 32 this is 34 bars
we aint even a third of the way through
damn slim mariah played you
mariah who
oh did i say whore nick i ment a liar tooo
like i been goin off on you all this time for no reason
girl you out of your alcholic mind girl
check you wine cellar look at the ammounts of all the wine
like i *ing sit around and think about you all the time
i just think this shit is funny when i count you on a rhyme
but * it now im about to draw the line
and for you thats a mountain i doubt you would want to climb
i can describe areas of your house you wouldnt find
on an episode of cribs
a blow below the ribs
if i hear another word
so dont be openin your jibs
cuz everytime you do its like an overload of fibs
i aint saying this shit again ho you know what it is
its a warning shot
before i blow up your whole spot
call my bluff in ill release every *ing thing i got
including the voice mails right before you flipped your top
when me and Luiz were trying to stick 2 cds in the same slot
i Love you too
let me whisper sweet nothings into your ear boo
now what you say
?MARiAH? its nothing
yeah so what ill do
is refresh your memory
when you said
?MARiAH? i want you
now should i keep going
or should i call truce
?MARiAH? you think you cute right
you bet your sweet ass i do
?MARiAH? im mary poppins b
and im super man uhm
?MARiAH? Mary P
slim shaddyy
comin at you
so if you still be my
?Mariah? baby girl
than ill still be your
?Mariah? super hero
?Mariah? where my em
yeah right here
?Mariah? you like this
nope not any more dear
it cuts like a knife
when i tell you
get a life
but im moving on with mine
nick is that your wife
well tell her to shut her mouth
and ill leave her alone
if she dont siNG THiS SCRiPT
than ill keep going
its actually mary ann
mary ann is saying cut the tape
cut the tape

The Warning (Claude Monnet & Torre Bros Main Mix) 歌词

wanna hear some wick wack i got the same exact tat thats on nicks back im obsessed now oh g that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee wow mariah i didnt expect you to go balls out bitch shut the fuck up before i put all them phone calls out you made at my...

Content Warning Archive Warning warning battery waring和warning guro warning warningsign RobotWarning the world The one
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