发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 22:11
热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 21:36
此文写的是后唐太祖武皇李克用的季弟李克宁。李克用死前将儿子庄宗李存勖托付给克宁、张承业等人,但庄宗认为自己太小,压不住大局,提议把皇帝位置让给叔父李克宁。于是李克宁说:“我哥哥(死前)的命令,把他儿子托付给了我,谁敢换皇帝!”后一句为评论李克宁,说“克宁仁慈但是不能当机立断,总被大家的言论所迷惑,所以最终遇祸被杀。”热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 21:37
My bother's life is now on my hand, no one dare take it from me. Kening is compassionate yet indecisive, easy to buy into others' opinions, and this probably is the very foible that's going to take his life eventually.热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 21:37