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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-18 07:04




I am sorry that our MOQ is 1000 pcs for each spec. 500 pcs order quantity is too small for us to purchase fabrics which generally we do not prepare any inventory of. If you are willing to provide us with your estimated annual usage, we would like to give you a better quo...


第一行 A product MOQ is 1000 meters, B products MOQ is 1000 meters.第二行 These two products can share a MOQ is 500 meters, A products, B products, 500 meters, two can reach 1000 meters together.第三行 So, "the products and B products share a certain amount of" how to...




where's your market?the mainland?not exactly,our products are also selling in some important cities of Europe,such as New York,London etc.what's the central competitive advantage of your product?our products are novel and with unique design,it can save power either.that's right.i...


3. We have carefully studied the offer and reported on your headquarters, you think the price higher than other suppliers 5%.4. Your side if the price offered is competitive, we can be regularly orders.5. Though Taiwan would like to expand the part of the transaction with you,...


In most of the food and beverage order, see recipe, pay is completed, speed slow, inefficient and error-prone, caused great waste of resources. However, with the rapid development of market economy in our country, the hotel become hotel catering order system to promote the class ...

...但相应的对起订量就有规定。这款产品我们的起订量是10000件。 怎么...

We have price advantage because we are the manufacturer, but for the same reason, we do have minimum order requirement. The minimum order for this product is 1000 pieces.不明白的再问哟,望及时采纳,多谢!


essential everything had not explained that when by the personality strength and the moral nature selfless, will be glad helps person's quality to melt. Next, must by an ordinary heart confident processing misunderstanding. sometimes, you jump over vindicated that you are unintentionally...


According/Due to your order quantity, we can only offer you 1% discount.楼上的a discount of 9.9根本就不是9.9折而且还少了%符号。99% discount 是说减免99%,只要付1%!99折的正确表达是1% discount。

谁能帮我翻译一下 不要是电脑翻译的

,不可撤销信用证是一种非常好的支付方式,它的总金额不超过500美元,有限期至9月15日。当(我们)确信第一国民银行收到信用证确认后,您的订货就会装运完毕后等待您的代理人的航运指示。我们向您保证您这次的订单以及今后您的一切订单都将得到我们最迅速地回复和关注。此致 ...

“笑指旧山归路长”的出处是哪里 PCB为什么要拼板,PCB拼板打样有哪些好处? 绘制紫外吸收光谱时,我发现最大吸收波长是333nm,此时吸光度为4.01 对吸光度测量值有何影响? 陆垚知马俐的歌词是什么? 玫瑰花水中的养殖方法 陈年柚子茶如何做 陈年柚子茶的制作方法 在答题卡上改题号是指那一道题扣分还是整个卷子都没? ...考试时我写到了卷子上,会怎么样?会不会按抄袭 高考时在卷子上不小心画了道怎么办? ...设计一条从安徽省马鞍山市当涂县人民政府到青岛莱西市马连庄镇... 北京市人民政府关于废止《北京市收容遣送管理规定》的决定 什么是顿服是饭前还是饭后服呢 朋友们房子装修是吊顶好呢,还是不吊好呢? 福州安可贸易有限公司怎么样? 平南县总人口有多少人 平南人口 了解一下装修吊顶客厅的技术和一些类型 平南县人口有多少人口 平南县人口 平南县人口总数2022 流放者柯南怎么显示自己地图位置 微商购买的品牌内衣扫吊牌条码显示非正规商品条码是什么意思 iphone非正规渠道产品是真的苹果吗? 广州新年倒计时2021DJ晚会场地 广州倒数跨年的地方 火箭今天对阵老鹰赢了吗,能不能讲的详细一点? 有人知道这个是什么动漫里的吗? 松山湖鱼有多大 鲮鱼4两是多少公分 合肥发布发热及疑似患者闭环就诊的通告(第50号) 2022年2月7日合肥野生动物园临时闭园通知 关于观音的慈悲诗句 多力善斗的意思是什么 多力的详细解释 职场中认真干实的人为何斗不过不干事的人 夷陵区碧桂园活动返现可靠吗 宜昌碧桂园云挺三个月返现金靠谱吗 碧桂园返现日子到了还没返 霸州碧桂园返现20万是真的吗 呼和浩特碧桂园碧桂园返利是不是真的 中国超声医学杂志的介绍 中国超声医学杂志怎么样? 超声医学第六版为什么绝版 选老婆是胖点好还是纤细好,从日后ml考虑 肥硕壮实的意思 五菱之光汽车排档头怎么换一换 eb病毒抗体igm阴性是什么意思 天路十八弯布局形式的目的 验光单od和os分别代表什么