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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 19:16



热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 15:54

⒈According to theInformation Office of the Ministry of healthconfirmed:after investigation,Shijiazhuang Sanlu Group Co.,the companyproction of the Sanlubrand infant milk formulacontaminated bymelamine,remind the public tostop usingthevarieties ofmilk powder,the consumption of milk has been theinfantasa result ofdifficulty in urinationand other abnormal symptomsto timely treatment.⒉In order toensure universalecationthe implementation of program goal,infinancialdifficulties,the governments at all levelsmake every attemptto increase investment in ecation.In 1998,the national compulsoryecationtotal investmentamounts to 152544000000 yuan,of whichthe government financialbudgetary ecationexpenditure82247000000 yuan.Central,province,ground,countyand graally establish acompulsory ecationspecialsubsidy.19952000years the Ministry of ecation,Ministry of financeto organize the implementation ofthe"nationalproject of compulsory ecation in impoverished areas".Among them,the centralfundin all 3900000000,pluslocal government supportingamounted to 10000000000yuan.Associated with thisnormal ecation,national ecation,special ecation,distance ecation,the Ministry of ecationaccording to the annualarranged a special fundandthe capital that help deficient up.

what the future would like to change information may be more trouble, so you still apply for a password-protected themselves better, If it is not, you can email to me, let me to back you complete these.I wish you happy!

请帮忙翻一下两段英文 不要机器翻译的 那个我自己会………



不是机器翻译的,是我用心翻译的。请参考。1. 你在胡说八道!只有轻信的人才会相信你的故事。2. At the same time, the east should take various measures, like joint development, mutually beneficial cooperation and counterpart support, to strengthen the support to the middle east.3. The ...



...论文要用的,不要机器的,机器翻译的不通顺,要用大脑翻译, 谢谢...



I was everything but a distinguished kid. My parents never compared me with other kids or accuse me as other parents did to their kids. Instead, they cheered and praised me for every single progress I made. I was told that if I tried I'd be better. Due to their proper m...


The attachment is my work plan. Please check it. My family issue is solved and I will thoroughly concentrate to work. Thanks a lot for your help. 第二篇语法错误较多 建议慎重使用


很长一段时间,我-直都在抱怨。为什么我工作这么忙,几乎没有时间休息?尽管我- -直很努力,为什么我的事业几乎没有进步? 1经常对自己说。如果我出生在一个富裕的家庭就好了!然而。随着她进入我的生活,我的想法完全改变了 -天,我下班回家,非常累。我一进房间就上床睡觉了。这时,我听到一个女孩...


Please be advised that for this PO of a total of 146,490 pcs on 28th February we have booked shipping arrangement with NYK . And please also be advised that the delivery would be split into three, with 102,800 pcs in a 40' by 40' container already sent, and the ...


The book management system is typical MIS. The developing of BMS includes setting up back database and developing the front application. As for the former, it requires setting up the database with strong consistency and integrality,and high security of the data. While the latter ...

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