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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-24 19:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 21:59

Impression of ...

It’s my great honor to attend the activity of Dow Jones finance English between Beijing and Singapore. We felt many differences between China and Singapore, such as the view, the culture, the working environment, the life tempo and so on, which made us find the differences between our country and the developed country. Through the activity, we learned a lot. We thanked the Xinhuaonline Company and Dow Jones Company for giving us the scarce chance. We wish the two companies have a glorious future!


In the afternoon, we got to the headquarters of the Dow Jones Company in Asia area, which is the most important destination of this Singapore travel. After one day’s training in Beijing and three hours’ training here, I deeply realized the importance of learning and using English. What’s more, I tasted the different culture between our country and Singapore.

There are distinct differences in the way of communication. Chinese always like a kind of passive and indirect course. On the country, western people like active and straight way. They like to actively answer you questions and can give what you want in a proper way.

Later, we arrived at SENTOSA. SENTOSA has the meaning of peace and quietness. It is a tropical island. It is said that it was once used as the English army’s blockhouse and base and now it has become the famous visiting place. SENTOSA has a very beautiful music fountain, which can make us feel very happy and comfortable.

That day had gone very quickly. I hardly can find several words to express the impression leaved by this garden country. Perhaps its beauty hardly can be expressed by language and pictures. So it attracted so many visitors, which may make it become more and more developed country.
...油桶横放长6、25米,圆的直径为2、05米,液体横放的高度为1、8米。求... 一个圆桶半径为1.2米,高为12米,现将油桶平放,此时装油的高度为1.722米... 大油桶是横放的,油桶圆的直径是2.15米,长是3.6米,里面的净油位高度... 一个圆柱油桶横着放,长5.5米,直径2.4米,里面装着油,油高度1米,求现在... 有一个圆柱体桶横放,长7米,高2.7米,里面装的油与油桶距离1.2米,求油的... 圆柱形油桶横放时油部分占底面圆周的三分之一当油桶直立油的高度和桶... 有一个圆柱体桶横放 有一个圆柱体桶横放 长9.4米 高2.6米 里面装的油与桶底距离0.6米,求里 ... 电脑单独安装outlook教程如何在电脑上安装outlook 直角转弯为什么会压角 争做文明小学生演讲比赛心得体会作文450字左右 获奖感言发言稿? 演讲比赛后感悟怎么写?求 共享单车在使用和管理上还存在哪些问题 写两点要求 比赛一等奖感想怎么写 如何确保共享单车进校园的研究质量与可信度 演讲比赛的意义和重要性 如何确保共享单车进校园的研究质量与可信度 写一篇演讲时内心感受的作文 共享单车上是没有网络信号的,是怎么与支付系统关联的? 共享单车上是没有网络信号的,是怎么与支付系统关联的? 听习礼讲道德主题演讲比赛有感作文怎么写 弘扬中华传统美德的演讲比赛后的观后感。 互联网便利店,共享单车之后的下一个风口? 互联网便利店,共享单车之后的下一个风口? 英语演讲比赛得了第一名,求几句简单的获奖感言 在互联网中,可以提供什么共享服务?共享单车是实物,那通过互联网可以共享的资源有哪些呢? 在互联网中,可以提供什么共享服务?共享单车是实物,那通过互联网可以共享的资源有哪些呢? 请你在演讲比赛获奖后,谈谈自己的感想100字 演讲比赛获奖感言 滴漏式咖啡机煮茶可取吗?煮黑茶行吗? 滴漏式和高压式的咖啡机那种比较好用,那种机煮出来的咖啡好喝点?? 什么是青岛自贸区? 泵压式与滴漏式咖啡机哪个好些、全自动与半自动的区别? 安全月六个一的主要内容是什么? 怎么样用美式滴漏式咖啡壶煮咖啡?越细越好 如果青岛成立自贸区,山东哪些上市公司受益最大? 山东外贸职业学院好? 山东外贸职业学院怎么样? 现在青岛还能上班吗 想知道: 青岛市青岛自贸区在哪? 青岛自贸区概念股有哪些 4大直辖市18省部级调整现在天津市长是谁? 中日韩自贸区在青岛哪里?设在黄岛还是城阳?都是有哪些行业?谢谢!!! 姓施女孩起名 施氏、兴字辈起名朋友们赶快帮忙 新郎姓沈,新娘姓施,婚礼姓名起名组词 请问取名,老大薇薇,老二笑哭,老三叫什么好呢 《孔子之母》文言文该如何翻译? 孔子的故事和简介!!