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发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-15 03:00



热心网友 时间:2024-03-23 13:46

题干是两个简单句: This is the shop这就是那个商店。 It opens only in the daytime.他仅仅在白天开门。
This is the shop which(that) opens only in the daytime.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-23 13:47

This is the shop which opens only in the daytime.

题干是两个简单句: This is the shop这就是那个商店。 It opens only in the daytime.他仅仅在白天开门。可合并成一个含有定语从句的主从复合句:This is the shop which(that) opens only in the daytime.


As we all know, summer is the most annoying sounds of cicadas, especially in the mountain village, on a hot day, almost every minute have this annoying noise everywhere. And I was miserable, and less than one meter beside my yard, there is a large sycamore tree, every morning to 9:00...


My love opens for you, like white lightning breaking the sky; my love gallops for you, like red blood filling the body. 44、人们都说恨也是感情,希望日后我们之间只有好的感情。 People say that hate is also a feeling, and hope that there will be only good feelings beeen us in the future...


Tokyo is a nighttown.The shops' light and the crowd will make you feel like in the daytime and you don't need star.Disney Tokyo is also very famous and it's the only profitable Disney land in the world.Here is TOKYO DOME, many stars give concerts here and it can fill 5...


In the daytime, the ice sculptures are magnificent and verisimilitude. Moreover, with the interspersion of the sparkling colored lights embedded in the sculptures at night, the park becomes a glorious and amazing ice world.Today, Harbin Ice Festival is not only an exposition of ice and snow ...


The bag burst open and everything fell out.袋子爆开了,里边的东西都散落出来。The park is now open to the public.那公园现在对公众开放了。A log fire roared in the open hearth.柴火在敞开着的壁炉里熊熊燃烧。The park is open during (the) daytime.这个公园日间开放。The door creaked...


Britain opens the chain-like dental clinic. Not only to make money, also to serve the society. in September, British supermarket giant Sainsbury 's opens a dental clinic in Manchester, in the local foreign service, the time which it opens is entire all-weather, regardless of ...


59. Tim: Since I myself have overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, I understand young people's problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice. I'm working now in the daytime so I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others....


A black bird 2 in the tree. Every day I 3 some food to the tree. The bird sees me and comes 4 . The food is in my hand. The bird comes 5 my hand and eats (吃) the food. It 6 from my hand. After 7 it goes back into the 8 . I give 9 food to this bird every day....


The transmission method is thedaytime burns the smoke, at night lights a fire, because daytimesunlight very strong, the flame is not easy to see, at night the flamevery is far can see. This is a transmission information veryscientific very rapid method. In order to report enemy soldier how...

Is the shop open the shop sells the door opens shop is open 简单句并列句复合句 it opens from shop opens 并列句是复合句吗 复合句和复杂句
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