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关于Cosmetic surgery的对话 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2023-07-14 21:34



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 18:22

Experts estimate that 30 percent people who make cosmetic in Seoul are Chinese. With the development of technology, the risks and costs of cosmetic surgery can be minimized. But should we have cosmetic surgery? It is a controversial topic.
Some people agree that e to the advantages of cosmetic surgery. There are two main points to explain the advantages. First, cosmetic surgery is a mean of gaining confidence and self-esteem. We have to admit that good-looking people are more popular than people who don’t look good. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” said Endymion. Second, beautiful appearance can improve one’s chance in the job market and later help one’s career.
Other people think it’s unnecessary to have cosmetic surgery. First, as everyone will become old, outer beauty is temporary. What we should do is to improve our inner beauty. Second, companies will not have a person with a beautiful appearance but no brain.
In my opinion, the meaning of life lies in knowledge and perfection of character instead of seeking temporary outer beauty. But cosmetic surgery is a person choice, having nothing to do with others.
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